Chapter 4: Cabin in the Woods

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May 16, 2014, Day 4

After I passed out Chris and Nikita looked for a cabin or something in the woods for protection. Chris spotted smoke from a mile away. Nikita and Chris came back to get me, Chris put me over his shoulders and began to walk in the direction of the smoke. After an hour they finally got to where the smoke led them. The smoke was coming from a cabin. Nikita ran to the door. She began to pound to see if anyone was home. There was no answer. Nikita kicked open the door and Chris followed her in. After they got in Nikita secured the door so no walkers would be able to get in, and Chris laid me on the couch. Chris went to the kitchen to wash his hands and face from all the dirt and dust from the explosion. Nikita prepared some food for all of us and after went to take a shower. Chris finished eating and Nikita got out of the shower. Nikita and Chris were on the couch next to me keeping an eye out to see if I would awake anytime soon.

"Why did you save Jake back at the facility?" Chris questioned Nikita

"Why?" Nikita sounding suspicious.

"What did.." Chris said before Nikita interrupted him.

"Shh did you hear that?" Nikita hearing footsteps from upstairs.

Nikita pulled out her gun and slowly walked to the stairs. Everything then began to be quiet. Nikita slowly walked up the stairs aiming her gun out just in case someone or something comes out to attack her. She got to the door that opened into the second floor. She turned the knob and opened the door slowly. Nikita walked in still holding her gun up until an arm reached for the gun, Nikita pulls the trigger sending out two bullets and an unknown person jumped bringing their legs around Nikita's neck throwing her to the floor. I woke up from surprise of the shots and the noise.

"Oh so you want to play rough." Nikita grinned.

Nikita ran up to the person and spun a kick across the person's face. The person backed up and ran after Nikita grabbing her by the waist, picking her up and body slamming her on the floor. Nikita pushed the person off of her. Nikita got up and then realized that the unknown person was near the door. Nikita ran and dropped kick the person through the door and the person came tumbling down the stairs. Chris got up in shock.

"Nina?!" Chris sounding happy and yet confused.

"Chris?" Nina sounding relief.

"You know this bitch." As Nikita walks down the stairs.

Nina gives Nikita a dirty look. I got up to see who she was.

"Well if this isn't one big happy family reunion." I said joyfully.

Nikita rolls her eyes "yay." Her voice filled with sarcasm.

Chris helps Nina up. Soon after we hear a pounding at the door. Nina went to go open the door to see who was there. A walker barges the door down as Nina opens the door. Nina falls back to the floor as the walker is trying to bite her. Nikita pulls out her gun and shoots the walker in the head.

"You're welcome." Nikita smirked.

Nina nodded. "Here follow me." Nina went to the second floor and brought down the ladder. "If we get to the roof the walkers can't get us." Nina explained as she told us to go up the ladder while she's holding off the walkers coming up the stairs.

Chris, Nikita and I went up the ladder. Nina was the last one to follow. As Nina was going up the ladder she was bitten. She kicked the walker that bit her and continued to climb. When she got to the roof she shut the hatch and locked it.

"Okay we'll be safe here, but we can't stay here." Nina Explained as she turned around to face us.

"What happened to your leg?" Chris asked worried.

"She got bit what do you except." Nikita said as she was looking down at the walkers on the ground.

"I'll be fine." Nina said stuttering.

Nikita drawn her gun at Nina "Soon she'll turn into one of those."

"Put down the gun Nikita." I said slowly pulling the gun down.

The hatch broke and the walkers began to climb up on the roof.

"Here go!" Nina said pointing to the zip line. "Go!" She began shooting the walkers.

Nikita went on the zip line first. The zip line brought her about a quarter of a mile away from the cabin. After I went on. The zip line came back.

"I'm not leaving you Nina!" Chris grabbing onto her arm.

"Go Chris I'm already dead." Nina told Chris pushing him away. "I'm sorry."
She grabbed Chris and put him on the zip line. "Don't forget me."

Nina pushed him off and he came towards me and Nikita.

"Noo!" Chris yelled as me and Nikita caught him to slow Chris down.

Nina pulled out a grenade. She turned around and looked at us. "Defeat who ever made these bastards!" She yelled pulling the clip of the grenade.

The house blew up, Chris, Nikita and I turned around as the pieces from the house flew towards us. We sat there and watched as the house burned. As the flames started to fade away we decided to walk where ever. We don't have much of a plan. It's only been a couple of days and so much has happened. Chris has been quiet for almost two hours. To Nikita, Nina was just a bitch, but to us, she was like family. I wonder if anyone else have survived. My stomach began growling. I wonder how I would survive let alone others.

"Hey Nikita, why did you save me back at the facility?" I asked to break the silence.

"I saw that you needed help, that's it." Nikita responded.

"Okay.." My voice fading away.

A few minutes later we spotted a road. The three of us walked up to the road. We looked to our right, then to our left.

"Well thanks for everything guys, you two sure were handy." Nikita waved as she walked away going in the direction of left.

"What do you mean 'thanks for everything' I thought we were a team?!" I yelled at Nikita confused.

"I work alone." Nikita giggles.

"Ugh, women." Chris said with hatred to Nikita.

"Oh well, one less person to worry about." I stated.

Chris and I started walking in the right direction. It feels like we've been walking forever. But I can tell we were getting closer to a town or a city. Almost two hours of walking and we ended up in an abounded village.

"Looks like we'll be staying here for the night." Chris said exhausted.

"Yeah might as well." I said following Chris into a house.

Chris went up stairs to get ready to go to sleep. I laid on the couch for awhile, I couldn't sleep. After an hour of walking around and thinking. I laid down for a minute and went to bed. A couple hours later I was awakened to this loud noise. I ran upstairs to check on Chris, he was peacefully asleep. I think I'm going crazy with all this undead and crazy people stuff. I went downstairs and grabbed my blanket and pillow, then went upstairs and went to sleep on the floor next to Chris to keep an eye out for anything.

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