The First Hunger Games

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Chapter One

I see Dad collapse on the floor in a pool of blood. A large man in white armor like uniform looks above him, brandishing the gleaming gun that took my father's life. "Dad!" I scream clutching his limp body, " Dad! Wake up Dad! You'll be okay!". But I see his eyes close and I know he's gone. I keep screaming and crying until someone drags me away and throws me into a jail like room full of screaming, sobbing, bleeding and broken people.

A woman laying near me is almost bleeding to death from a cut on her forehead. I recognize her but I'm too hysterical to register who she is. she is mouthing one single word- "Roger."

Chapter Two

" It's okay. you're safe now. It was just a dream" I hear a soft, comforting voice in my ear. I drowsily look up through my teary eyes. I see a pair of sea blue eyes and a smooth, golden forehead with a pink scar running across it and I know it's Mother.i don't need to explain. Mother already knows that I've had the dream about Father. I should vs over it by now. it's been 4 years. The Dark Days and the rebellion is over. But I still get that same dream every night, forcing me to relive the terror every night.

I am still sobbing and my head's reeling as Mum tucks me into bed. I'm so exhausted but I can't sleep. I won't sleep with the worry of getting the dream. I suddenly panic. "Mum, don't leave me please." I cry grabbing her bony wrist.

"I wasn't planning on it, little tree" she replies laying down beside me. Little tree is her pet name for me because my name is Trina. Mum is as true as her word and stays long after I've drifted into another phase of restless sleep.

Chapter Three

I wake up as the first rays of the sun are glaring through the windows at me.I carefully climb over Mum who is still deep in slumber. I won't wake her.

Before I go and awake Kate, I take one last glance at my sleeping mother. she is curled up against the wall, her beautiful blonde locks are curling around the pillow. Her golden skin is radiating with beauty and I can't help thinking for the millionth time- "no wonder Dad fell for Mum with her beauty, charm and kindness"

I slip out the door into Kate's room where I find an empty bed. I scurry down the hallway to the lounge. As I put my hand on the doorknob to the lounge, I hear sweet, melodic music of the piano accompanied by a beautiful voice. I go in and stand in the doorway listening to Kate's beautiful music. She turns to me when the song has finished and in her sweet, soft voice she says " you like it? it's a new piece I made up called Deep In The Meadow." I smile and feel myself literally puffing up with pride for my amazing sister. "It's absolutely beautiful, Kate" I whisper as not to wake Mum. She gives me a shy smile and heads to the kitchen.

I follow her into the kitchen and we both cut ourselves a slice of bread. it's fresh bread from the bakery in town. As we sit ourselves at the table and begin gnawing on our bread, I think how lucky I am to get fresh bread and a glass of orange juice every morning when other district twelve citizens that live in the seam or poorer areas are lucky to get a crumb of burnt bread.

I am about to go and wash up my plate when the TV flickers to life. A lady in an explosive green dress, purple lipstick and hair in a curly mauve hair do is on screen reporting the news. "The Capitol has voted for a new president of Panem!" the lady squeaks in a high pitched Capitol accent,"his name is Tiberious Snow!"

Kate and I exchange a surprised look. "What do you think he's like, this new president of Panem?" I ask Kate as the TV switches to a picture of Tiberious Snow. "I don't know, he looks kind of dumb"She replies. I give a slight grin at her comment before stating- " the securities gonna be a lot tougher after what happened to President Dashwood." I see a shiver go over Kate. "I don't want to think about it." she sighs. The TV shuts off and we return out plates and cups to the kitchen.

Several days later another television report is broadcasted all over Panem. Kate, Mum and I sit and watch as our new president gives a speech about how he is so pleased with Panem's choice (the capitol's choice) to make him their president and that he's going to be the best president Panem's ever seen. Kate and I both simultaneously snigger at this. All is fine until the president says he is starting a new tradition to punish the districts for their heart drops into my feet. No, no, no! A flood of memories come back and I feel a wave of nausea come over me. Kate looks just as shocked and scared as I feel. I see Mother's aqua eyes fill with tears. She looks so sad and this just breaks me. I run to the bedroom, holding back tears. I collapse onto my bed, fat tears rolling down my cheeks. How could the president get away with this? he can't just prance in and start punishing all of us. Tears pour down my cheeks and soak my pillow. If Dad was here, he'd tell us we were gonna be okay and protect us from all harm but he's gone now. Dad. We need you.

Chapter four

I wake up, snuggled in my bed. My eyes sting and my head aches. On my bedside table I find a bowl of soup ( still warm) , a glass of water and a head ache pill. I gulp down my pill and practically inhale my soup before reminiscing what had happened All that I remember is a painful memory of dad and the new president. The president. It hits me like a bullet. ( Sorry about the font) I almost start crying when I remember what the president said. I block the thought from my brain and calm myself. Once I'd stopped shaking I let the memories flood back. President Snow. Rebellion. Punishment. Death. This time I don't crumple up and cry. I stay strong for Kate. For Mum. For Dad.

Kate and Mum have now joined me now. They're sitting on Mum's bed and smiling at me calmly. "Mum, about Snow-" I start but I'm interrupted by Mum. "We'll be okay. If anyone lays a finger on either of my gorgeous girls then I'll crush them up and put them in my soup." She says with a slight grin. Kate giggles and she melts my frown. Her laugh is so sweet and reminds me of everything nice.

"What did snow say he'd do to punish us?" I quietly ask, looking down at my feet.

"Look, let's not talk about it, little tree. we're going to have a happy weekend. no more tears!" mum answers merrily. I fake a smile and walk out of the room with Mum and Kate but inside I'm scowling and thinking- "if I want answers I'm going to have to find them myself."

On Monday morning Kate and I have school. Mum takes us in like she does every Monday. I am quick to my classroom to see Tabby, my best friend. Last month her Mum passed away from Influenza. The family was so poor that they couldn't afford the much needed medicine. I know why it's like to lose a family member so I'm giving her all the support I can.

I expect to find her slouched in a corner sobbing but I'm surprised to see Tabby chatting with Lilly Everdeen, a semi-shocked look across her face. Shocked, I wander over to her and she grins at me. Lilly smiles grimly at me and skitters over to see her cousin Alistair Hawthorne. Tabby turns to me and starts to talk at 100 miles an hour. I am caught out by her new attitude and stand there with my mouth hanging open. I quickly shut it before replying- "Tabitha, I didn't catch a word of what you just said. what's going on?"

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