Chapter seven

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When I finally stop running I find myself outside the hob. I catch my breath and crouch down, leaning against the filthy, concrete wall. The thick smell of smoke and burning food fills my nose and a wave of nausea surges through my throat. A lady that looks about fifty emerges from the building and I dart from her view. She seems to have seen me though because she rounds the corner and comes face to face with me. At first she glares at me but then her wrinkled face transforms into a look of concern. I realize there are still years running down my face and wipe them with my sleeve. "Are you okay, my dear?" She softly enquires, gently holding my wrist. I swallow, muffle a sob and nod.

She still looks worried so I put on a fake smile and brush the twigs from my dress to show in perfectly fine and capable of returning home. But she isn't convinced. " come on dear." she softly says, leading me by my wrist inside the large building. we go through the entrance and I find myself walking through a market-like place. I frown in confusion. I thought the Hob was for the manufacturing of coal products. Looks like some kind of black market. The lady leads me brought the throng of people over to what looks like her own stall. I catch a whiff of tomato soup. " Thanks Blairsor."She thanks the man standing behind the stall and he tips his filthy cap and walks off. She sits me me down on a deteriorating chair and ladles me a big bowl of deep red soup. I take it eagerly, thanking her deeply.

I am about to take a sip when I catch a smell of it. My nose crinkles in disgust at the smell of sweat and burnt rubber. But the aching hole in my stomach tells me yes, eat up. So I try one small spoon and soon I've eaten the whole bowl. I guess smells can be deceiving.

The woman serves a skinny looking customer before turning to face me, with a smile. I see the customer eye me up and down before scowling deeply. I look down and see I am wearing my clean, green blouse and long, pink skirt. An outfit of the rich. People from the Rich street aren't welcome here.

"Never mind them." the lady tells me as she takes my empty bowl and clean as a whistle spoon, 'My name is Sparkster. I've been working in ther hob here since it started last year. I am the seller of soup."

I realize she expects me to pay so I fumble around in my skirt pocket. I'm sure I have a few coins somewhere. I'm sure I've almost found a coin when I see Sparkster shaking her head. "But I must pay you for your soup. It was ddelicious." I exclaim holding out three gold ccoins Sparkster takes two and nods to me. "Thank you so much Sparkster!" I call as I exit the Hob.

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