Chapter 12

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POV of Bedilia Rose, District 11

We arrive at the town square at 10am on Reaping Day. Half the kids prowling in from the orchards look shaky and completely scared but I know I'm not gonna get chosen. Everyone's been telling me ill be fine but really I never believed anyone until Dad told me. Dad is the only person I trust. After the war, Mum has been a nervous wreck. She can't do the simple things even. she can't dress herself without crying, she can't wash her face without yelping in pain, she can't think straight. She can barely talk. she just whispers stuff like- "tomorrow everything will be fine" and "the mouse has gone" and "no no no. that's not right"

I miss the old Mum and can't look at the new mum without tearing up. Why did she have to get like this. The loving Mum we had is gone. So now we rely on Dad and he has grown to become more caring and motherly almost.

We separate to our own lines but before I reach the 14 year olds section Dad squeezes my hand and gives me a sad but encouraging smile.

A poofy lady struts in stage and takes the microphone. The Reaping has began.

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