Our Crazy Life

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This ones called Our Crazy life for a reason. It'll be short stories of my original characters, and my friends' characters. They're pretty crazy, but they're definitely fun to write about. I hope you have as much fun reading these short stories as I do writing them. Now, how about we start with Ren and Kaiti's firs- no. Second kiss.

Our First Real Kiss:

Ren was flying through the sky, when he heard a scream of pain. This scream was Kaiti's. Ren had quite a crush on Kaiti, and went into a panic, hoping she was alright. He flew as fast as he could in the direction of her scream, and landed. Kaiti had gotten her foot caught in a hunters' trap. Ren pulled the sharp metal trap off her foot, and healed her foot with his time-magic. (Ren can send things back in time, therefore, he can send a wound back in time to before it existed.)

"Kaiti, are you okay?" Ren asked her. The electric-redheaded girl nodded, "Thanks, Ren.." She said. Ren sat down next to her, "I'm glad you're okay." He said, then looked her in the eyes. Her eyes were such a beautiful blue. It was as if Ren had gotten put under a spell, "You're eyes are so blue.." He said.

"Well.. I am a waterbender. Most waterbenders have blue eyes.." Kaiti replied, looking at him.

"Yeah, but.. Yours are beautiful.." Ren said, leaning closer to Kaiti, blushing slightly.

"Thanks.." Kaiti said, staying where she was.

The two of them leaned closer and closer until their lips finally met. They sat on the ground next to each other, kissing for awhile. Soon, Ren's sister, Yoko, and Kaiti's sister, Kotomi walked up to see them kissing, "Hey, guys, everything oka-Well!" The two young girls quickly turned around and sat down beside each other.

Ren and Kaiti ignored them, still kissing each other.

"You two about done?" Asked Kotomi.

"Please be done soon..." Yoko added.

Kotomi and Yoko looked at each other, "How long do you think they're gonna be swapping saliva...?" Kotomi said.

"Ew, gross! Hopefully not long!" Yoko replied. It went on like this for awhile, before Ren and Kaiti finally pulled away from each other, blushing.

Hope you all liked it. And, sorry if I got it wrong, that role play was ages ago. I tried. That's the basic sum of what happened. xD

Say What?!

A few days after Ren and Kaiti kissed, the two of them found Ren's old friend, Angelina. Kaiti didn't like Angie, thinking Ren and her had been more than friends when they were younger. And, she was correct. But, foolish Ren told Kaiti that they were simply friends, and nothing more. The day after, they snuck into a huge file room in iTex. Ren found a file on Angie, which said that her father was Rey Sakura - Ren's father. The two jumped away from each other as soon as they learned they were related, and gave each other a weird look, "Say what?!" They said simultaneously. Kotomi laughed a bit, "I don't think you have to worry about Angie stealing Ren anymore, Kaiti." She said to her sister. "Heck no, ya don't!" Angie added. Ren sat there, a disturbed look on his face. He had kissed his own half sister without knowing it. "EW!" Ren thought, but kept it inside. He was internally freaking out. Now this... This is an awkward story that will never be spoken of again, if Ren and Angie had their way. Haha! Good luck, kids. But this story will be passed on for generations to come.

Shut Up and Kiss Me!

(Okay, this one's new. Like, I just thought of it. I'll post something from a role play soon. And, this is just a head canon. Didn't actually happen, most likely.)

Ren and Kaiti had gotten in a fight, and Ren flew off to calm down as he usually does. Kaiti flew after him, and landed behind him. She knelt down beside him, "Ren, I'm sorry... I didn't mean what I said."

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