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Five years into the future, Ren is twenty-four, and Kaiti is twenty-three. The day had started out a little different than normal. Ren felt old, and Kaiti was feeling a little sick. Sozai put the puzzle pieces together.

"Wait a second. Kaiti's tired, and feels sick.. Ren's feeling responsibility.. There can only be one explanation to this."

Ren looked at him, and raised an eyebrow.

"What?" Kaiti asked Sozai.

Sozai smirked, "It's simple. A Renlet."

Ren and Kaiti both blushed.

"C'mon, you know it's true." Sozai's grin got bigger.

"Kaiti's having a baby?!" Kotomi asked.

"That's what a Renlet is." Sozai replied. Kaiti looked at her flying bison slippers. Ren looked at his feet, still blushing.

"Shut up, I knew that. And soon, you gonna have Sozlets!" Said Kotomi.

"So? Besides, Akirets are waiting to happen." Sozai replied.

"Not before Sozlets they're not! She's obviously pregnant, GOOGLE IT, SON." Kotomi said.

"Uummmm... Shouldn't we go to the hospital or something..?" Kaiti chimed in.

"I guess so.." Ren replied.

"That depends.." Sozai fought back a laugh, "How long ago did you..."

"DON'T SAY IT!" Kotomi shouted.

"I AGREE WITH KOTOMI, DON'T SAY IT." Ren said, his face going pink again.

"Yeah... Don't say it.." Kaiti added.

Sozai began laughing, hard.

"Okay, okay, how about this.. When did you start feeling noxious?" He asked Kaiti.

Kotomi grinned at Ren and Kaiti, "So what exactly did you two do last night?" She laughed.

"Do I have to answer that?" Kaiti blushed even more.

"Yes, you doooo~" Said Kotomi.

"How long have you been pregnant?" Sozai asked.

"Ever since they did that nasty thing at night, use your head, Sozai, YOUR DUMB DUMB STUPID HEAD." Kotomi replied.

"I'm not answering that. Ask Ren!" Kaiti said.

"What? N-no!" Ren shook his head, awkwardly.

"Well, I sleep in the room next to them, and I didn't hear anything.. I'm going to ask you to give me a vague answer." Sozai said.

"You awkward person, tell us now!" Kotomi almost barked at Ren.

"Let's just go!" Kaiti got up and walked outside.

"You sure, Sozai, not even a single sound?" Kotomi asked.

Ren pulled his good over his head, letting his hair fall in his face, and walked out after Kaiti... Awkwardly!

Sozai and Kotomi followed, "Kaiti. We all know what happened, so just tell us when.. For the baby's sake." Said Sozai.

"You guys aren't gonna leave until you answer!" Said Kotomi, "And don't try to deny it, I'm not the fourteen year old immature girl anymore. I know stuff about the world... And it's weird stuff.."

"Oh gosh, just stop!!" Ren said, blushing furiously.

"Answer now, or this will just get more awkward." Sozai said.

"Sheesh, can't we just leave that for the doctor..? The hospital isn't that far away!" Ren said, awkwardly.

Sozai sighed, "Fine..."

"Thank you!" Ren said, walking out of the house, slightly annoyed. With that, they went to the hospital. And surely enough, Ren and Kaiti had made a Ryker... That was by far, the most awkward role play in our entire role playing time span.. I mean really! I was like; 😳 "AKWARD TURTLE!!" >~<

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