Chapter 1 {UNDER REFERB}

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(A/N: I'm sorry if this is cringey I'm tryin my best here. And I'm sorry if the characters are OOC, it's been awhile since I had written some Invader Zim Stuff. And sorry if the grammar sucks. So! Anyway let's begin)

  You never intended for all this to happen. Everything just kinda, well happened. For the longest time school-Sorry; Skool was torture. You were always a kid with anxiety. So standing up for yourself was out of the question. Your handwriting was exceptionally neat and the so called cool kids kept you around just for your forging skills. You were intimidated by them and you had no choice.

  Although one day was a bit different. As you were sitting at the lunch table eating whatever the heck it was the skool fed you one of the girls slammed their trays on the table and sat in front of you. She asked you to forge a fake note to Dib, but you knew deep down he was smart enough to know it was fake. You had always wanted to talk to Dib, but honestly social anxiety had gotten in the way a bit. He seemed like a fairly nice and smart kid with a good brain on his what many kids claimed large head. As the kids pushed you to go and deliver it you began to shake and sweat. Boy you were nervous. As you got to his table he sat with what looked liked his sister who was heavily fixated on her video games. At first he didn't notice your presence until you cleared your throat quietly. He then noticed you. Congratulations.

  "U-umm...This is for you." You mumbled out but still being quite clear. "Uhh. Thanks." He stated as he grabbed the note. You stood there awkwardly as your heart thumped. This wasn't right. You were done with these stupid pranks. "It's fake." You whispered. "I beg your pardon?" He said. "It's fake. I forged it." He looked at you puzzled. "Please don't tell them I said anything. They would kill me." He looked over at the kids snickering in the background. "Why do you hang out with them anyway?" He asked skeptically. "W-well, I um.." you felt the tears welling up in your eyes. You didn't know how to answer and confronting people who were basically interrogating you made you feel uneasy. "I've seen you around, and you seem way too nice to be hanging around jerks like that. It doesn't make any sense." You felt the stress you were going through at that moment die down a bit. "Yeah. Too nice to the point where they'd try to befriend an alien that has them at gunpoint." Gaz replied her eyes still on her game. "Well I think it's better to be nice rather than a jerk." "Whatever you say Dib." Gaz said simply shrugging again.

"So...W-what are you reading?" You asked Dib trying to think of random conversation starters. (This is it reader there is no escaping the paranormal obsessed screaming child now.) "Oh! It's a book on Paranormal Investigation. I'm kinda an expert at this stuff." Dib said. "Expert? Pffft. Yeah right," Gaz responded. "Well...Soon I'll be one. You'll see Gaz." She simply went back to her video games again without giving a damn in the world. "That's c-cool! I never really met anyone who liked this kind of stuff. Well...My mom does actually. She loves watching ghost hunting shows and often takes me to old buildings and hotels when she has the time." You said sheepishly. You and your Mom had a pretty good relationship. "Really? Your mom sounds awesome! My family couldn't care less about this kind of stuff. Is she an investigator?" He asked. "Oh No, she works at that old fashioned diner In And Out." You responded. "Ah. That's  pretty cool still,"  "Yeah I suppose so." You glanced over at the other table. A few of them had given you dirty looks, and one even mouthing "What are you doing?" That's when you decided to finally stand up for yourself. " it alright if I sit with you guys? I promise I won't cause any trouble." You asked curtly scratching the back of your head. "Uh, Sure! I don't see why not." As you soon as you sat down you looked over to the table to find them not even paying attention anymore. It had hit you that they couldn't have cared less if you left or not. For one of the first times in your life, you felt free. Free to make your own choices. And it would start with trying to make two new friends.

Later that day, you sat in Ms Bitter's class, quietly reading a book. It was almost time to go home, and you really wanted to go. But hey who doesn't? Besides that, you had earlier agreed to walk home with Dib to get to know each other better. As soon as the bell rang, you nearly jumped out of your seat. The thought of being able to talk to someone with them enjoying your company was a great feeling. Eventually, the two of you got out of school and started the route home. "So, what do you want to do?" He asked. "What do you mean," you said questioning him. "Well, I want to be a paranormal investigator, but I'm curious to see what you want to do with your life." You thought for a moment. "Well, I want to change the world. Whether it be with writing, or drawing, I want to make it a better place. Everyone can be a good person if they tried and I want to help." Dib grinned bit. "I haven't heard anyone say something like that before."
"Yeah, Not really." Dib said. "Huh."

  "So, Mr Paranormal Investigator, have  you found anything interesting yet?" You asked smugly
"Actually I did! I heard an alien transmission when I was on the roof last night. And if my theory is correct, they will be coming to earth soon." Now some people would have said "Oh this is crazy" on the spot. Or agree with him just to get on his good side. But rather this is a case where you believed every word yourself since the probability of other life forms far out in the darkest recess of space was high.

  "Well, we'll be prepared right?"
"What kind of Investigator would I be if I wasn't prepared?" He said grinning. You couldn't help but grin back.

  Sadly things had to be cut short when you got to your home. "Oh, this is my stop. See ya tomorrow!" You called out waving goodbye as you entered your home. You looked over to your mom looking out the window curiously until she noticed you were home and quickly went back to the couch. "Mom? We're you spying on me?" Your mom attempted to come up with an excuse "No!.....Ok yes, but I was curious! You were walking home with another human being! That never really happens." You scratched your head sheepishly. "You made a friend! I'm so proud." She said hugging you. You hugged back smiling. "Yeah."

  "I did."

(A/N: And that's that. I'm just going to leave this fanfic here and see how it does.)

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