Chapter 3 {UNDER REFERB}

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  The next morning, you woke up to the sound of your mother freaking out about the broken window. After that you heard footsteps and the door opening to your room. "Y/N what happened?!" You were very awake now do to the fact that your mother startled so you had to think of something to say. You quickly changed into your clothes and ran to your mom. "Mom, you're not going to believe me but a little alien Robot broke into our home!"

Your Mom sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. "Honey I had a long night at work. I'm not in the mood." You grabbed her hand and started to drag her to the kitchen. "Mom it's true I got proof!" You didn't realize it earlier, but it just occurred to you that you were starting to sound a lot like your best friend. "See look in the fridge! Look at that bite! And here! The phone wire was chewed off!" Your Mom put a hand on your shoulder. "Honey it was probably a raccoon or something," She reasons patting your head. "A Raccoon?" You said softly sounding a tad bit hurt. Your thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. "Oh! That's probably your little friend! Here take a Pop Tart, and your book bag." She handed you your bag and the pop tart as you gave her a big hug "I love you mom." She smiled back giving you a hug. "I love you too baby."

After you waved goodbye, you walked outside and met up with Dib. You began to check your bag to make sure that everything was there. You pulled out The Great Gatsby to make sure it was there and put it back. "Is that The Great Gatsby I see?" Dib asked smirking. "Well, yeah. Why?" You asked. "Not many people at our school read that kind of stuff. I can't get over how ahead of your time you are." You smiled. "You've known me for 6 months and you just realize that now," You questioned. "Well, all I know is that your going places. Trust me, you and I will be unstoppable! We'll be legends!" You smiled brightly.

  A little later that day, you arrived in Ms. Bitter's class. "Good Morning Ms. Bitters!" You said trying to give her a smile. In response she growled. At that point you froze and slowly walked to your desk. "Another day of this." You thought as you leaned back on your chair and took our your homework and notebooks.

  Later as you got back from lunch, Ms. Bitters continued her lecture about the moon landing and how it would eventually lead everyone to their doom. Of course Dib raised his hand in protest a few times contradicting her lesson with the moon landing conspiracy theory. She ultimately shut him down and she continued on, until there was a call on the class phone. She grumbled and slithered over to the phone and answered it. She stood there, hardly moving an inch as she listened to the other end of the phone. When the other person on the phone was done, she slammed the phone back on the rack and opened the door. "Class, I have to make a trip to the main office. If any of you, and I mean any of you make a wrong move, I'll keep you after school to do unspeakable things." And with that, she slammed the door, leaving you and the class all alone.

  Since you were only a few seats away from Dib you attempted to get his attention. "Pssst. Dib!" You finally got his attention as he looked over at you. "Um, you know those things you said about the moon earlier," you asked. "Yeah?" You beamed a bit giving him a thumbs up. "I thought they were credible reasons." He smiled back. "Thanks Y/N!" You gave another thumbs up and relaxed in your seat again until you saw Ms. Bitters open the door again followed by...oh dear. You felt your stomach turn. That was him. That was the alien Gir mentioned. It had to be! Dib clearly looked surprised too as he was awestruck and pointing, lost for words. "Class, I would like to introduce the newest, hopeless appendage to the student body. His Name is Zim." She turned over to Zim. "Now Zim say something now. After this I don't want to hear another sound from you!" She hissed slithering again to her desk. Always with the slithering that woman.

(Before I continue, I know the lines aren't exact, but I don't want to full on copy it so they will a bit different. So keep that in mind)

  "Hello Friends," Zim began. "I am a perfectly normal human worm baby. You have nothing to be afraid of! Just pay no attention to me and we'll get along just fine." He said then taking his seat. Ms. Bitters was saying something else, but you couldn't hear it over your own thoughts. Once you snapped back to reality, you saw Ms Bitters muttering to herself,
"Doomed...doomed...doomed," Over and over again.

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