Chapter 16 {UNDER REFERB}

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  "Dad please!! I can't go, let me stay with Mrs. L/N or something! I need to stay here!" Dib said desperately as Professor Membrane packed all the important stuff he needed in his own vehicle he invented himself. "No can do son! This is a family trip! And we need to spend it together as such!!" Dib sighed and facepalmed. "I need to stay! What if Zim does something horrible when I'm gone? SOMETHING JUST HORRIBLE!" As you rode by on your bike, the sight of Professor Membrane out in the open made you very curious as it was, but when Dib began to throw a bit of a tantrum your curiosity got the best of you and you came over to say hello.

  "What's going on Dib?" You asked wheeling your bike beside you to the driveway. "Y/N! You have to convince my dad to let me stay!! I'm leaving on a vacation!" You tried to keep your laughter in but you ultimately failed. "What? What's so funny?!" He asked tapping his foot impatiently. "I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to laugh like that, you're just cute that's all. Dib a vacation is to enjoy yourself silly goose. You hardly get time with your father! I think it would be good for you." Dib still looked frustrated. "But what about Zim?! Without me the earth is doomed!!" Gaz wasn't having it as she sighed and got out of the vehicle grabbing Dib by the collar. "GAZ! NO WAIT!" Before he could say anything she pulled him closer and started to go off on him. "All I want is to spend some time with dad without hearing your stupid whining. If you're so worried about it how about you give the task to someone who actually cares yeah?"

Gaz finally let go, and as Dib collected himself he turned his attention to you. "Here, in the meantime I want you to have this." He then handed you a suitcase with that familiar logo you had seen previously on the card he gave you. "If anything happens beyond your control use this. And this is the key to my house and room. You have complete access to everything you need to defeat Zim!" You looked at him with concern in your eyes as you were terrified at the thought of you doing this alone. "You have to put those worries away okay?! The earth needs you! I'm counting on you!"

"Okay Dib that's enough." Gaz yet again grabbed him from behind and dragged him into the car and without time to waste, they drove off to wherever they would go. You couldn't believe he left you with a huge responsibility like this. But that was Dib, always pushing stuff on you. Though, you had a feeling he was just constantly trying to prove himself in a society that was unforgiving. But you had a duty to fulfill in a way, and you were going to prove you could do things too. You looked down at the key, and the house.

As you inserted the key, you immediately felt horrible at invading the privacy of someone else's home. Even though they basically let you in anytime. As you made your way upstairs you soon found Dib's room. You guys had so many memories there. Wether it be showing you pictures on his computers, going on online forums, and just talking about certain things made you smile as you felt warmth on your cheeks. But you had to focus at the task at hand. Entering his room alone made you feel uneasy yet again. It was always dimly lit and made you feel super lonely without him.

  You quickly got on the computer chair examining the various computers and devices. It was already so confusing, but you decided to login in the main computer to see what that would do. You entered the password he gave you and immediately things began popping up which left you in great confusion. Maybe you didn't have the brains to work these but at least you had a tiny bit of determination under all that crippling fear. But that was a thing to tackle another day.

  The next few days at school were eerily quiet without your best friend. You kept looking over at Zim who was tapping his foot impatiently almost as if he had somewhere to be and do. This made you very nervous as usually your best friend would know exactly what was up but you had no idea. "What would Dib do?" You thought to yourself as the bell was so close to ringing. He has chased him home on the very first day the nightmare began so maybe you would do that! The bell finally had rung and Zim exited almost immediately. You started to follow him as discretely sending a text message to your mother that you would be "Hanging out with Zim." And she eventually answered back with approval. Now that was out of the way, you continued to follow him to his base and then came the conflict of trying to get in unnoticed. You waited a bit until he was in a different room to try to figure out a way in.

As soon as everything seemed safe, you climbed in through the window steadily not to make a noise. At first things seemed to be running smoothly until the Robo parents came out of nowhere. "weLL HELLO THERE LITTLE BOY!" You screeched at the sudden remark and fell down on the floor. Suddenly an alarm rang and you began to panic immediately. "What would Dib do?" You found yourself thinking yet again until you came to the decision to hide behind the couch. You soon regretted your decision as you saw various moldy objects and food discarded carelessly assumingely by Gir. You were about to gag until you heard footsteps.

It was him.

You quickly covered your mouth to prevent your harsh breathing to be so loud and also to remain perfectly still despite the horrible stench. You heard footsteps approach the couch and that's when waterworks hit you. Though almost immediately after he got dangerously close, his footsteps began to trail off. You quietly crawled to see where he was going to which you found a lift he was going down in. After he was brought down and the lift once again was brought back into its initial spot you decided it would be best to try to go down. You were getting this far, why give up now? Dib wouldn't give up that for sure.

As quick as a bunny, you made your way across the room to the lift and on que, it brought you down into the mystery that was Zim's House. You were immediately shocked to see what you had found. Alien technology was everywhere, and text in a language you weren't familiar with. As you examined the room some more you had found a perfect hiding place to watch whatever it was Zim was doing. Suddenly a loud booming voice sounded throughout base. "Incoming call from the traders sector." Who in God's name was that? "It's about time they answered to my bargain..COMPUTER! Answer the call." Immediately after, another voiced followed "Irken Zim. We have received your transmission and are taking the bargain into consideration. We'll send you the coordinates." As the coordinates appeared you carefully examined them. Where was this? What were they going to give him?

You supposed you had to just go and find out for yourself. Zim seemed very enthusiastic about it as his his evil laugh echoed throughout the whole structure. He ended the call and very abruptly called out for Gir. "GIR! We're boarding the Voot cruiser, I have some important business to attend to.", "Yaaaay!"
The Voot Cruiser...You then felt a pit in your stomach. You were going to have to follow him in space. "Before you go, there is something quite skeptical about these coordinates. I would take great caution in-," "I didn't ask your for input! When Zim wants something Zim gets it!" Before anything else could be said, the computer mumbled and signed off. This was weird. Then you suddenly started to worry for him. Yes worry for the enemy. What if he was in great danger....?

Should you save him? Or leave it be?

(A/N: This is part one of 2 for another one off
that I hope you guys might like! Hopefully it's written somewhat okay! Love you all💖)

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