Mini series: Part 6 {UNDER REFERB}

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  That night, Dib had dragged Zim's body in a bag carefully to the garage, in order to not cause attention, He finally made it, and sighed loudly "There I did it ok?!" Dib exclaimed. "Chop it up." Y/N 2 insisted. "W-what?!" Dib said nervously. "FEED ME!" The plant yelled, leaving Dib to hurry up and cut the body from the sack. The night was stormy, which made the mood a lot more tense for Dib. He grabbed an axe, raising it above the body, close his eyes and hesitating. He looked away, and lowered the axe. He did this a few time refusing to look at the sack at all. The dirty work was done, and the rest of the night consisted of Dib feeding the plant the chopped up remains of his former enemy, which made him sick to his stomach.

The next morning when Dib went to school, the sight shocked him. Police cars were in front of the school, as you were being questioned. He saw your pained and scared face, and he wanted to help you. Sadly though, his heart pounded, being scared to be accused of the dirty work he had done the night prior. Once they were done, you were on the way back home. "Y-Y/N? Are you ok? What did they say?" You looked over at him sadly. "It's Zim they say he's disappeared." You said choked up. "The police they told you that?" Dib asked. "They suspect foul play.." You said choked up. "T-they do?" You teared up. "His receptionist, this morning found the place a shambles. Gas masks everywhere...things all over the floor. They think...I can't even think about what they think..." Your eyes stung, and you finally gave in crying, and attempting to rush home but Dib followed you. "Y/N? Don't cry Y/N....w-would it be so terrible if something had happened to him?" You looked over at him shocked. "Dib what a terrible thing to say..." You said still walking. "Well would it?" 

  " wouldn't be bad at would be a miracle actually." You said. "But I still feel awful! I tried so hard to help him but now he's gone and I just feel that it's all my fault and I wasn't a good enough person-" You began to sob again putting your head in your hands. "Y/N, it's gonna be ok, all those things you were worried about before are gone! No more paranoia and nightmares. And it wasn't your fault at all. You're a very nice person. There a lot of people who would love your help and care. And you know what I saw when seeing you helping Zim? A person I respected."

Lift up your head

Wash off your mascara

Here, take my Kleenex

Wipe that lipstick away

Show me your face, clean as the mornin'

I know things were bad, but now they're okay

Suddenly Seymour is standin' beside you

You don't need no makeup, don't have to pretend

Suddenly Seymour is here to provide you

Sweet understanding

Seymour's your friend

You smiled gently at him, wiping your eyes. Your smile faded however.

Nobody ever treated me kindly

Daddy left early

Mama was poor

I'd meet a man and I'd follow him blindly

He'd snap his fingers

Me, I'd say "sure."

Suddenly Seymour is standin' beside me

He don't give me orders

He don't condescend

Suddenly Seymour is here to provide me

Sweet understanding

Seymour's my friend

Dib looked at you worriedly still.

Tell me this feelin'll last till forever

Tell me the bad times are clean washed away

You fiddled with your fingers in an anxious manor

Please understand that it's still strange and fright'nin'

For losers like I've been it's so hard to say

Suddenly Seymour,

He purified me

Suddenly Seymour

He showed me I can

Learn how to be more

The girl that's inside me

With sweet understanding,

With sweet understanding,

With sweet understanding,

Seymour's my man!

Suddenly Seymour,

He purified you

Suddenly Seymour

Yes, you can

Learn how to be more

The girl that's inside you

With sweet understanding,

With sweet understanding,

With sweet understanding,

Seymour's your man

You smiled, and gave him a huge hug, and after all this time, he finally returned the favor.

  The two of you walked home, laughing like the two of you used to all that time ago. "Well, I should get going. Thank you...for everything." You said smiling. Something you hadn't done much in awhile. "No problem!" He responded waving and sighing contently.

  He really jumped the bullet on that one. Or so he thought when he saw Gaz in front of his garage.

"I'm not stupid, I saw what you did last night."

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