Chapter 3 (living together)

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„Good morning sleepyhead." I heard somebody. Than I felt something soft on my forehead. I opened a eye and screamed. „Jungkook what are you doing in my room? Have you kissed me just now?" „If you don't want to go to school you can continue sleeping." „Omg thank you I totally forgot that we're having school today." I stood up and pushed my blanket away. I was running to my closet and about to change my clothes, but stoped imediantly.

„Jungkook could you please leave my room?" „Of course my princess." He said and bowed with a smile on his face. Than he left my room. When I was finished I runned down the stairs. Jungkook was standing in the kitchen, drinking some orange juice. „Here for you." He said and gave me a lunchbox while skratching his neck.

„Oh- ,this is so nice of you." He blushed and looked away. I think that he is actually a nice person. „Wanna eat lunch together?" I asked out of nowhere. Now he was the one who looked surprised. But then he gave me this annoying grin again. „If it is my girlfriend's wish to be with her boyfriend than I can't refuse." And the Jungkook I know was back in just a second.

We walked out the door, haeding to school. Some girls were looking at us. „Are the two a couple now?" I heard one of them. Instantly I tooked a step away from Jungkook but he was always closing the gap again. I gave up too get away from him. „Bye then." I wanted to say when he remembered me that we're having a lesson together. „You forgot? It's Thursday!"

A few minuts later we were sitting in class. Or better I was sitting. Jungkook was standing at the front and was getting scoled by the teacher for not having his stuff or wearing his school uniform either. While I was watching, secretly laughting at Jungkook, I noticed the teacher was calling my name. I stood up and walked to the front.

„Y/N, Jungkook said that he forgot his keys and is living with you now, is that true?" The teacher wanted to know. „Yeah that's true." „Okay Jungkook I will belive you then, you are going to sit next to Y/N."When we are about to go the teacher said something terrible. „For today you are in Y/N's class she will lent you her material for today that you can follow the lesson." „Why isn't he going to his class?"

I sighted after the teacher explained me that Jungkook's class went to an excursion and they thought he isn't coming anymore because we attained to late for school. Also he can't just go home and skip school. The reasons: First the teachers have responsibility for all the students. Second were could he go?Third as if a teacher would support it that a student should skip class.

„So we are together for the whole day?" he asked with this grin again. „Yeah I guess so. Hey could you do me a favor?" „Sure what is it?"„Could you be nice to Tae just for today. I mean I would prefer it if you would be always nice to him, but I can't force you. So I'm just begging you for today." „Why do you want that especially for today?" „I am going to dance practice today and invited Tae, but I can't leave you at my place alone, so you have to come with me I know that you don't want to do this but--." „Why not? I come with you." „Seriously?"He nooded.

I honestly haven't expect that this day is going to be a good day. But Jungkook was so nice and friendly I couldn't belive that that was the Jungkook I know. The only problem was that a lot of female students stared at me like they wanted to kill me as soon as possible.

After lesson Jungkook, Tae and I went to the dance studio where I'm practicing. The mood one the way was kinda depressing. Nobody said even a single word. I was so glad to saw Jimin infront of the studio. „Jimin!" I shouted. He heard me and waved. I runned towards him and gave him a hug.

„Hey there Y/N, who is this?" Jimin seemed to be a bit confused. „I could ask the same." Junkook replied. „I'm sorry I should have told you." I said sheepishly. How could I forgot to tell Jimin about Jungkook.

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