Chapter 6 ( detention )

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Why the hell did I went to school to early. Now I am here and nobody is there. Aceppt of Jungkook and two of his friends. I guess that means that I'm not the only stupid person. When Jungkook raelised I was watching him he smiled and walked in my direction. His friends followed him. I was about to go when he called me.

„Y/N. You can't run away from me." I stopped ,turned around, smiled and put an evil grin on my face. „Hey Jungkookie." „Ssshh." He slapped a hand on my mouth. Jungkook's friends started giggling. „Dnungkook I can't brtthe." „What?" he looked irritated down on me. I think he saw the slight panic in my face. „Oh I'm sorry." he took his hand away. I cughted.

„Are you alright?." I nodded but still gasping for air.  Oh no I really catched a cold.

„Could it be that you catched a cold at Tae's place?" „Stop smirking. This isn't funny." I managed to say. „Hey is really everything okay?" his expression got serious. " Please do me a favor and stay at my place for today that I can take care of you." He looked so worried it was kinda cute. Also he was totally serious. Somehow I could't reject his offer. „Fine." „Really? So you are sleeping at my place?"

„What are you guys planing to do?" one of his friends asked while wiggeling with his eyebrows. „Shut up Namjoon." Jungkook snapped. „Are the two of you doing it tonight? Are you a couple? Are you going to be a father? By the way who is this girl?" The other asked. „Hoseok!" Jungkook screamed loudly.

Okay that's it I have to leave immediately. I rushed down the hallway and was about to turn right when I tripped over something and felt. „Ouch." „Hey watch your step." Somebody yelled. „Why are you even laying on the floor?"„Oh sorry do I have to ask you for permisson to sleep." „What is wrong with you?" „Watch your behavior you haven't excused yet. Like always."

What is wrong with this guy? „You don't know me. So don't say things like that."„Oh you're wrong. First you stood in my way and then you where totally rude to me in this electronic shop." „Wait so you were the guy who ranned me over and stoled my headphones." „I brought them their weren't even your's. Anyway how can't you remember me anymore when you remembered me five days ago?"

„That was because of your haircolor. But now you changed it to mint green." „Pretty cool huh? But does that mean you only reconized me because of my haircolor?" „Yeah I'm sorry why have you changed it?" „Just don't ask okay?" „Fine. Hey do you no by chance what time it is?" He pointed at a clock. Hell no the school starts now I'm going to be late again. „I'm sorry but I have to go or I am going to be late."„Wait for me."

„Miss L/N. You are late again please go to the principal's office." I sighed and went down the hallway to the office. Yoongi really had stolen my time. When I opend the door there where three other guys already sitting in the office. All of them turned around and stared at me.

„Hey there Jungkook's girlfriend." Jungkooks friend's and Yoongi smiled abit „So we see us again?" Yoongi said. „What is a pretty girl like you doing here?" one of them said. „You are Nam...Jin?"„Joon." he smirked. "Oh sorry."

The door opend and principal Seok steped in. „Please sit down Miss L/N."I did as he said and he sat down aswell. „So everyone is here because of a special reson. You two." he paused and foucused at Namjoon and his friend. „Mr. Joon and Mr. Jung are here because of your mouldy behavior." then he looked at Yoongi. „You Mr. Min because of being disrespectful towards your teacher." When he looked at me I frozed a bit. „And you Mrs. L/N because of being late for several times."

„Is that correct?" We gazed at each other than at the principal and nooded. „Okay then the four of you are going to detention class today." „What are we supposed to do?" the other friend of Jungkook asked.

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