Chapter 2 (the call)

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„Are you sure that everything is alright?" To saw her worrying about me makes me feel happy.

„Yeah." I nooded. „Thanks for helping me back then." „Idiot!" Hearing her to say that word to me hits me like a truck. But when I looked in her face I couldn't saw anger at all. She gave me a warm, heart touching smile instead. „Stupid, we are friends now and friends are helping each other....So Tae we are there this is my house."

„T-This is your house. It's huge and beautiful." „Impressed, or do you thought that I am so poor that I can't own such a good house?" I decided not to answer her. When I looked at her she pulled out a key and opend the door. „Step in!"

When I tooked a step in I was surprised and stoped moving. „What?" she asked me. „It's just that I never expected your house could be even beautifuler than it already is, you have a got tast." Y/N looked away, was she blushing? „T-Thanks." she stumbled. It was the first time that I saw her insecure.

„Want some cake?"she asked. „Sure." „Cup of tea?" „Why not?" While observing her living room I could feel her eyes watching me. „Is something on my face?" I asked her. „No, but you haven't told me yet which tea sort you want to have." „Oh sorry, Greentea please." From the corner of my eye I saw her turning around and walking into the kitchen.

„Are your living alone?"


I was shooked how could Y/N's parents just leave her here alone. Why is such a cute person like you living alone?I wanted to ask but I wasn't that type of person. I'm way to shy towards "strangers" to say things like that.

So I just aked why instead. „My mother past away one month ago, and my dad is to busy to take care of me so he just keep sending me alot of money for everything I need." She walked in while balancing two cups with tea and two plates with a tasty looking cake on it. Everything on a servingplate.

„Sorry Y/N, I didn't know" I started to feel really stupid. Why have I asked her? But she doesn't seemed to be sad at all. Isn't she missing her perents or somebody who can take care of her.

„I can take care of you" I said but immediantly shut my mouth. Stupid, stupid, stupid why I said that out loud now she must think I'm a weirbo or a pervert. „What I couldn't hear you correctly please tell me again, you want to take what?" I sighed in relieve. She haven't heard it. „Take the cups of tea than it's easier for you." I raised my hand but suddently shrucked together.

„Oh my, Tae is everything fine?" „Yeah it is just my shoulder."„Did Jungkook hurt you back then?" Jungkook- so she knows who this guy was. Wasn't she shouting his name in the hallway? „No I hurt myself three days ago, this happend while dance practice." „Cool."I was kinda confused. Did she just say cool? „ I don't mean cool that you are injured. It's cool that you dance. You have to know I go to dance practice with a friend of mine.


„No this name doesn't sound familiar to me." Jimin do I know him? Do I have to? But actually I really want to know more about Y/N's friend she is hanging out. Maybe I can become friends with him aswell? I started to eat my piece of cake. When the soft pastry touch my tongue I felt like in heaven. She was looking closly at me, observing every move I made, with curiosity in her eyes.

„Wow it tast pretty well, you brought it?" „Hmph- does it tast that bad. Actually I made it myself hoping to create somthing special. But if I can trust your words it just tast like casual streetfood."„No- that's not what I meant." „Haha I'm sorry but it's just to cute how you are worring not to hurt my feelings."

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