Chapter 13 ( Past )

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It has been nearly five months since the guys now better known as BTS moved away from here. Their rising was my break down. Since they moved away from here everything went wrong. But still I was cheering for them. It's not they fault at all but a lot changed in my life.

First of all am I alone. I have no friends my dad was abroad as always. I won't tellhim anything of my current situation. He would't care anyway or atleast he could't do anything against it. So I'm totally alone again,like I was when I moved from Busan to Deagu. Except of Min Seok Woo.

Seok is my internet friend. He texted me a lot, asking how I am or talking about his day. I wish I could see him in real life but he lives in Seoul. I only texted him because I had nothing better to do and logged myself into a chatting platform once and now chatting with him is the only thing that is distracting me. In the past days I haven't left my house often just if it's necessary. I'm too afraid of them.

Them are the girls who beat me up. Everything happened one week after BTS has left. I was at school just walking to my class when I realized that some girls were starring at me talking behind my back.

"It's her fault." Some whispered. Because I had no clue what they are talking about I shrugged it off. "I haven't expected that Taehyung will become an Idol. It fits Jungkook but Taehyung won't have a chance.He can't do anything." I heard another one. That was rude "What did you know about Tae." I defended him. I can't allowed those rude sluts to talk badly about him. "Shut up nobody wants to know what you're thinking since it's your fault." They said and walked away. After school the girls better known as Jungkook's fanclub followed me home. I haven't realized it because I had listened to music.

They crowded me and yelled that I runied everything. „It's your fault that Jungkook moved away." Some were yelling.„Why should this be my fault?" „Because you dragged him to this dance,practice."

„B-But it was his decision." I was confused what did they want from me? „Shut up you little slut don't you dare to think you have nothing to do with it." A girl yelled and reached out her hand. I could feel her entire anger on my skin when she slapped me. I screamed in pain and hold my cheek. I pushed the girl away and runned home. I heard the girls laughting. Alot of people were starring at me but they haven't helped me. „Hey watch your step." A man yelled after me but I didn't care. I just continued running.

When I arrived home I rushed into my room and threw myself on the bed. *Incoming facecall from Yoongi* was standing on my phone. I started the call.

„Hey there Y/N." he smiled widely. „Hey Yoongi. I miss you and the guys. How is it possible that you have time to facecall me? Aren't you supposed to practice?" „Well uhm we have a day free." he stumbled. „Yoongi open the damn door already. You can't hide forever" „Is this Jungkook?" I asked him. „No."

There was a knocking sound from the backround. „Don't you want to open the door?" „No I want to talk with you is everything alright? Your cheek is super red." „No no everything fine." „Yoongi this is the last warning or I will break down the door!" „You seemed to be in trouble." „With who are you talking ? Open the door already." "Fine." Yoongi sighted and stood up.

"Y/N hi. It's me Jungkook." Jungkook appeared on the screen. He smiled brighter than Yoongi did before. "Hey I still know who you are. Don't think that I would forget you so easily." I smiled back. "Why have you locked yourself in the bathroom?" "Maybe to talk to Y/N and to hide from persons who could distract our conversation." Yoongi rolled his eyes. "You were hiding because you don't want to practice. You can't lie to me." Jungkook crossed his arms.

"It was nice to talk to you but we have to practice now. We will try to call you later." As if this is going to happen. They will be busy anyway. Jungkook grabed Yoongi's wrist and dragged him to the door. "Bye than Y/N I will visit Deagu in two weeks." He shouted before the screen turned black.

So Yoongi is coming to Deagu again? But why? Is he allowed to come here? Is he coming alone or do all of them come? I'm so excited I can't wait to see him. But first I have to deal with those bullies. Yoongi should't see them when he comes. He will tell the others and this is the thing I want the less to happen.

I went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. No wonder why Yoongi asked if everything is alright. My left cheek was totally swollen and red. This girl sure had some power. I don't want to go to school tomorrow. But this would be to obvious. The girls would think that they'd daunted me.

So I guess I have no choice. The notification sound of my phone scared me a little. * New massage from Seok*

Hey there Y/N.

I texted back should I tell him what happened today? Probably he could help me. One on hand Seok could have an idea how to deal with them. On the other I don't want him to worry about me.

Hey Seok. How are you?

I'm fine. How about you how was your day? Can I call you?

It took me some time to answer his message. I decided to agree and send him a thumb up. * Incoming call*

"Hello Y/N." Seok said happily. "Hello." I tried to sound as happy as he but failed miserable. "What's the matter?" I sighed. "Tell me." "Fine. Some girls beat me up today and I don't know what to do now. I don't want to go to school tomorrow but I also don't want to skip because the girls might think that they successfully scared me."

"Who beat you up?" "Doesn't matter just help me with my decision okay?" "If you don't want to tell me I respect that. If I was you I would attempt to school and beat those girls butts up until they can't sit anymore." I chuckled . "How is it possible that you can cheer me up in the worst situations? But please let's stay serious for a minute okay?"

He chuckled as well . "Sorry. I would go to school and try to stay away from this girls as much as possible. Isn't anyone there you can spend the time with? Probably they will leave you alone when you are with people." "There was but not anymore." I said sadly.

He was right if I would have someone to spend the time with it would be less scary to stay in school. Yoongi is coming in two weeks maybe he could go with me to school? What am I thinking about? This is not going to work he is an idol now. He can't go to school like a normal person. "I wish that I was living in Daegu than I could protect you."

"That is nice of you but you know yourself that this isn't working. You are to young to travel on your own." "I'm fifteen so just as old as this Jungkook guy who traveled to Seoul to become an idol."

That was right Seok was just as Jungkook one year older than me. Maybe because of my age everyone threats me like a little kid. Especially Jin and Yoongi. Jin is always behaving like my mother and Yoongi like my brother always telling me that I have no clue what's going on because I'm to young.

"Y/N are you still there?" "Yeah I'm sorry." "Is really everything alright? "Yeah Yeah I just dozed off."       

„Are you tiered? Do you want to sleep?" „I should go to bed I haven't sleeped last night." I lied to him. The truth is that I don't want to talk about anymore. „I see than good night and sleep well."„Thanks.

I hanged up and yawned. Why am I always getting sleepy when someone tell me to sleep?My cheek still hurt probably I should grab some ice to cool it. This is so nice. The Ice blowed the pain away just if nothing happend.

Now that Jin isn't there anymore to cook something when ever I'm not feeling well I think I have to cook something on my own. The thing is that I am way to lazy to cook now. Maybe I really should go to bed and sleep.

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