Chapter 8 (Park)

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School isn't the best place. You can't sleep wherever you like. There is always someone who disturbs you . I don't want to be in school right now. But where can I go? I know. I stood up and went out of school.

If I remembered right I have to turn left here. The way was shorter than I expected. I stopped infront of a huge house. It was simple, beautiful but to big. I knocked at the door. Please let somebody be there.

„Yoongi what are you doing here?" Y/N opend the door. I grined „I wanna skip class and get some sleep. But school is to noisy can I stay at your place?"She looked a bit confused but let me in. „So your still sick?" I sat down at a comfortable looking sofa. „Yeah but I think I can come back to school soon. Want anything to eat or something like that ?" „A blanket would be nice."

She starred at me in confuse. Being confused seems to be her thing.„You seriously want to sleep at the sofa? I have a bed free you know." „The sofa is fine I have to leave soon. We're having a class test in about fifteen minutes."

She left the room and came back with a blanket and a pillow. „Here you go." she still seemed confused.„Thank you but actually this was supposed to be a joke." I hide my mouth with my hand while giggling.„What? I don't understand anything anymore." „Let me explain it for you. I was hoping to spend some time with you." „With me?" „Is somebody else here?" She shooked her head.

I pulled out the headphones I have brought. Or better stolen from her. As soon as I pulled them out of my bag she starred at them like they where everything she needs to survive . Did she really likes them so much? „Wanna listen to some music?" I asked. „Really? You let me listen to music with your headphones?" she asked sarcasticly. I plugged them in my phone and gaved her the headphones. „What song is this?"

„You like it?" „Yeah it's awsome." „It's from Agust D >>Give it to me<<" I was happy that she like it. It was one of the first songs I published as Agust D. I should't tell her yet that I'm Agust D until she knows him better. Step one: to make her familiar with his/my songs. Step two: make her to like him. Step three: make her to like me. Step four: tell her that I'm Agust D. „Can you show me more of his songs?" I nodded.

I think step one is completed.

„I have to return to school." I sighted and stood up slowly. Why was this sofa so soft I don't wanna stand up. „See you and then you can show me more songs ." She smiled widely. I smiled a bit „Sure anytime." I said and left her house.


„Wait Yoongi you forgot your headphones." I yelled but it was to late he already left my house. Should I keep them? I totally adored everything about them. The design, the sound quality just everything. I shooked my head. No this are Yoongi's I can't keep them. But he would't mind if I use them right?

I went in my room and grabbed my phone. When the music started to play I totally forgot everything around me I was like in trance. Until I heared the doorbell. I plugged out the headphones and rushed to thedoor. Propably it was Yoongi and he wanted to pic up his headphones.

„Hey Yoongi here are your headphones. I haven't used them. Don't worry."I said after I opend the door. „Why was Yoongi here?"„Jungkook." My body freezed. His angry expression scared me. „Why was Yoongi here?" he asked again and grabbed my shoulders. What was up with him? „Tell me already. Why was Yoongi here?" His grip got stronger. „Ow Jungkook you're hurting me." I whined and try to escaped his grip.

„I'm sorry." he let go of me and moved a bit away . „He was just here to show me some music. You don't like him or?"Jungkook watched away. „Yoongi insulted me yesterday. He told me that I can't sing." Somehow I felt sorry for Jungkook. Yoongi's words must had hurt his pride. „You wanna come in and talk about it?"

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