Chapter 16 (meet again)

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It's 10:55 AM Y/N should arrive soon. „Hello." A young woman who carried a suitcase behind her, was watching me, waved and walked in my direction. She was beautiful, younger than me. „Hello."I replied politely. „I'm so happy to see you again. Are you ready to go or what are you waiting for?" After a hug she smiled widely at me. Is she confusing me with someone?

„I'm sorry but I think this is a confusion." I took a step away from her.„No No I'm only here for you." Is she trying to flirt with me? I don't get this.What is happening? „Listen you are really beautiful but I'm waiting for somebody." she giggled.Why was she giggling now? „Thanks Jin but please stop joking around."

Jin?Why does she know my name? Is she a fan who had recognized me? But she doesn't react like one. I looked her in the face, maybe I know her? She reminds me of two persons my exgirlfriend and... „Y/N?! Is that you?"

„Of course. Eomma don't tell me you don't recognize your little sister anymore." Eomma, little sister no doubt that was Y/N. When had we started to call us like that, when she was fifteen? „I'm sorry but I haven't seen you for almost three years and you have changed so much. Not in a bad way in a good way. You look gorgeous." Just like her. „See that's the problem if we don't facecall at least once."Y/N scolled me but with a grin on her face.

„I have missed you and the others so much can I get a hug without you pushing me away before we go?" „Sure." I opened my arms and she gave me a big hug. She really has aged.„Let's go now." I grabed her suitcase and went with her to the parking space.

„The others will be happy to see you again. But beware of V I mean Taehyung he is definitely the one who has changed the most since our debut." I took of my mask and started the car. „ What do you mean with change?"

„He is weird. Do you know what he is doing when he thinks he is alone? He is reading out fanfictions. He and the others out of the maknae line are most of the time super noisy especially when the we are sleeping."

„Oh poor eomma are the kids going on your nervs?" „Stop talking to me like that. I can hear your sarcasm." „I'm sorry." Even now I'm mad I couldn't help but to smile. „We are close to the dorm now and can you see that building over there? In there is your apartment." She glared out of the window in amazement. „Thank you for making this happen again."

„Y/N!"Jungkook, Taehyung, Jimin and Hoseok screamed happily as soon as we entered the dorm. „Hello." she jumped with them up and down.„Hello Y/N." Namjoon leaned against the wall. He seemed tiered.„Have you stayed up all night long again? I know that you and Yoongi are working on new songs but this isn't good for your health." I scoled him.

„Yes Mom." he said and went back to the living room. „Stop calling me mom."Why am I the mom for everyone?„Hey Yoongi wake up. Y/N is here." We all heard Namjoon shouting followed by some groans.

„Leave me alone and let me sleep." Y/N laughted. „So he is still the same sassy sleepyhead?" We all nodded instantly. „Hey the first words when we see us again and you're insulting me." Yoongi had made his way to the door. He ruffled his messy hair and walked slowly in our direction.

„Have you already seen your apartment? We lend you some furniture until your stuff arrives. We will send a stuff member to get your bed and the fridge and so on. That you don't have to pay for new ones."Jimin told her. „No I haven't."

„Then what are we waiting for? Let's show her her new home." Jungkook said. „But we have to train soon. I will bring her to the apartment and come back right away. If it's okay we can meet us after practice." Namjoon offered. „Sure then I will see you guys later." Y/N smiled and went out of the door.

„She sure has changed a lot." Hoseok said with the agreement from everyone. „This may sound weird but I haven't even recocnized her at the airport." „I get you. She has grown so fast." „And she has become even more pretty." Jimin said excited. „Since when are you interessted in Y/N?" Jungkook asked distrustfuly and his eyes observed Jimin.

„Guys stop fighting. We have to go and distract Mr. Bang until Namjoon comes back." Jungkook sighed and we went to the practice room.


We walked down the streets and I carried her suitcase. It was much lighter than expected. „How have you been in the past years?" She stopped looking around and her expression turned sad. „To be honest my life was horrible since you moved away. But let's not talk about it. How about you?" I was confused she wasn't fine for such a long time? But when I looked ather she gave me a warm smile.

„It's hard. We are practicing 10 hours a day and they expect us to be happy all the time." I tried to sound less exhausted but in her eyes I could see that she was feeling with us. After we walked down the street and passed some stores we stood in front of her apartment. I pressed the keys in her hand as soon as she got in the elevator." third floor. Make yourself comfortable until we come to pic you up." With that I said goodbye and walked all the way back.

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