Chapter 25

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It was a few days later the police were still looking for her parents. But they had become very close. Christine stopped being so sad all the time(to her it was very annoying to her and very unbecoming.) and just felt like she was holding her breath the whole time. She literally did that so much she almost fell over a few times because of her lack of breathe. Erik was always with her if she fell. He kept doing things for her to be calm and relaxed. It wasn't to hard, but it wasn't so easy either.

They always had found a way too anyways, just being by each others side. Christine had fewer nightmares and no hallucinations(to her relief). But She still always hated when she had a nightmare. It became such a nuisance to her that every time she had one, she felt like hitting the wall or breaking something. But she would calm down a bit after a few calming words from Erik.

One night she screamed from yet another nightmare. But this one seemed different. It was about Erik. Christine woke screaming "ERIK!!!" and grasping her throat. Erik came and pulled her close to him. Her head, once again, in his chest. He kept rubbing her back and 'shushing' her.

"Why can I stop having nightmares?" Christine whimpered.

"Because your care for your parents is causing you so worry. So much it tore deep into your subconscious mind. And it caused you to have nightmares." Erik explained to her.

"I just want it to stop. It's such a childish thing to keep happening over and over, night after night." Christine said still close to him. "And plus my nightmare wasn't even about them. It was about you." Christine held him a little tighter. Erik responded the same way.

"What ever do you mean, sweetheart?"

Christine took a deep breath in and started. "I was tied up, Watching you being hanged and then myself-" She didn't cry but pressed her head into his chest more. As if to see, and hear, if his heart was still beating.

"My darling, I'm so sorry. I promise, more than promise that, that will never happen."

"I love you."

"I love you to, angel." 

Christine grew a little tense about what she was going to ask him. "Um, Erik, would you...I mean if it's alright.....lay with me?" She buried he head, not wanting to see his reaction, only hear him.

"If you want, I will." He then picked her up, got himself and herself in bed, and pulled the covers over both of them. He then kissed her precious head and rubbed her arm till they were both asleep, smiling and enjoying one another's company.

The next day Nadir and Meg came over for lunch. Christine and Erik noticed that Meg and Nadir grew fondly of each other. They all were having a great time and laughing, including Erik(though just a little chuckle her and there). Christine's phone suddenly rang. She noticed it was the police station and she picked up right away.


"Hi, Christine It's Officer Jake. I wanted to tell you some good and bad news."

"Oh, hello officer! It's nice to hear from you. What news?"

"Well the good news is we found your parents."

Christine suddenly stood up and gasped with her hand over her mouth. Everyone else noticed and stood up with her. Erik put his hands on her shoulder's, rubbing them.

"YOU FOUND THEM!!!!????" Christine yelled out loud happily.

"Yes, but I'm afraid we have some bad news as well."

"After what you just told me, I can take it."

"Christine, when we found your parents, they were badly injured."

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