There will be triggering content. Only read if you know you are not going to be impressionable to it. You've been warned.

I was undoubtedly depressed. It was Thursday afternoon, I just got home from school and went to call my girlfriend. Then I remembered, not only was she no longer my girlfriend, but that I was absolutely alone. Usually, she'd come over tonight and we'd watch a movie. What am I supposed to do with myself? I could feel my eyes stinging again. I was going to cry.

I walked to my door and locked it then pushed my body back onto my bed. I let the tears fall freely. I don't know why I was so emotional, I didn't really like her that much. Maybe that's why she did it. A lot of the time I only kept her around because she was good looking, she was company to my excessively lonely lifestyle and she was nice enough.

I just kept thinking over and over again in my head what she said, it was a horrible way to dump someone, even on my standards. I didn't really care all that much at first but then she walked away and I realized what that meant. That's a lot of time I'm going to have to be spending alone. I guess that was a downside, considering the fact that when alone, I do the weirdest shit that's could possibly put me into quite a bit of danger.

I liked to see how much danger my body could withstand, which is why I know that I am able to have eleven painkillers before starting to feel strange and also why I know I can make myself throw up. I too found out that I can jump off a two story building and not break anything, but maybe that was just luck.

I guess I was just a very curious person, it's not like I'm trying to kill myself or put myself through hell, I just liked to know things. And know things, I do. As I sat there, bawling my eyes out, I thought of all the possible reasons she could've broken up with me. Maybe she felt used, lonely. Maybe I grossed her out, or maybe it was just the fact that I took particular interest in my friend's body. I don't know why I did, maybe I was just envious of him.

I guess I'd just never know, which bugged me. But with that thought fresh in my mind I tried to think of as many ways I could be gross as possible. I didn't really do anything out of the ordinary. I just did things normal guys would, which any girl is used to or just tries to ignore. But I guess the fact that I had the obsessive need to count how many times i chew my food or the fact that I need to use exactly ten squirts of soap when washing my hands could be quite annoying to anyone.

I rolled over and shoved my face into my pillow, trying to stop my tears. I could already feel a headache coming on from them and that would be just fucking perfect.
I rolled over again and thought to myself, this is just fucking brilliant. Of course now, I was wondering what I could do to entertain myself tonight. So I went back to my mental-list-of-things-to-do-when-bored. Of course quite a few of them were already crossed off or I didn't feel like doing it right now, like masturbating. Definetly not. That was way out of the question in my current mood. But then, with that noted, everything was out of the question.

I just didn't have anything I wanted to do. I struggled my phone out of my pocket and looked at the time, still so early. I dropped it only my bed then proceeded to attempt taking of my jeans then shirt. I stood to flick off the light then climbed into bed. Just as I could feel the grip of sleep tightening, I heard my phone buzz. Maybe I could just ignore it. But then again, who am I to turn down someone who wants to talk to me.

I rolled over and picked it up, hey dude, there's apparently a new kid staring tomorrow. It was Rian. I found that quite interesting as we never had new students.

Name? I sent back. He would always take a few minutes to respond. He was probably still at school. He always stays back for quite a while because for some reason unknown to me or Zack, he liked talking to the teachers. That's probably how he knew that there was a new kid.

As I waited for him to reply I found myself staring at my now black screen. I put it down on my bare chest and looked toward the window, mostly the curtain, it was barely blocking the light outside  from coming inside. Maybe if I thought about it hard enough it would close the rest of the way... No, definetly doesn't work.

James said their name is Alex. Was Rian's reply, he always felt the need to call our teachers by first name. Even if the teacher has said not to. Rian was a special kid who liked to think the teachers considered him a friend. None of which, did.

Girl Alex? Boy Alex? Elaborate boi! I sent back. I put my phone back down and waited for the reply.

There's a black dot on my ceiling! I thought as I stood up to inspect it, it looked strangely like food. I scratched it off quite easily before slowly moving it today my mouth. I caught it with my tongue and sucked on it.

"Hmm, brownie. How did you get up there!" I asked myself quietly. My phone buzzed and I flopped back down.

Boy Alex, idiot.

Don't insult the boy! We don't even know him! Rian you're horrible! I sent back before getting comfortable.

Shut the fuck up. His name is Alex. He sent back. Ooh angry.

Nice. Maybe it is time we made another friend. Anyway, I'm trying to sleep. I sent back, then put my phone on charge on my cabinet, knowing that he wouldn't reply to my last text. And with that, I was back trying to sleep.

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