When I woke up with him in my arms, my first instinct was to wake him up. But he looked so peaceful in his sleep. I carefully slid out from underneath him and ran to the kitchen to make him some coffee.

As I walked back to my room, I saw the clock on the wall saying 10:57. That meant my mother would be awake in three minutes. I sped up my pace a bit and entered my room, locking the door behind me.

"What time is it?" He asked softly, in the cutest morning voice I'd ever heard. I smiled and walked over, handing him the cup.

"It's eleven," I told him as I sat beside him. I took a sip and looked at him, smiling, "you've got some on your nose,"

He quickly wiped it off and laughed, "that never happened, shh," he said, making me smile even more. I leant in and kissed his forehead. I placed my cup on the bedside table and fell backwards. He turned and looked at me.

"She'll be awake soon, so she may come in here," I told him, "or just try to wake us up,"

He nodded and put his cup down, laying on top of me. His legs were either side of me and his head was buried in my neck, leaving his hair to assault my face. I moved my hands to his back underneath his jumper, "your hands are cold," he said arching his back, although muffled from my neck.

He kissed up my neck and along my jaw, then he connected his lips with mine, his hands on either side of my face. With my hands on his back, I pulled his body closer to mine. I sat us up and he moved so he was comfortable.

"Boys! Time to get up, I'm leaving!" We heard my mother yell through the door. We turned to look as I yelled an answer. I heard her heels click against the floor as she walked off and outside to her car. I turned back to him and smiled.

"There it is," I said, "c'mon, up," I told him, patting his butt like I was trying to move a dog. He got up and picked his coffee off the table.

"Lets go find some food," I told him and I grabbed my coffee then left my room, him following along behind me.

After actually finding something to eat and doing so, we then went back to my room. I lied down on my bed, getting under the blankets, "night," I said, smiling at him. He ran over and jumped on top of me. He had his legs either side of me and he was jumping up and down.

"No sleeping," he told me as he jumped. I rolled onto my back and let him jump, this would be better without clothes. He stopped jumping and smiled, pulling the blanket out from underneath him. He sat up again and looked at me.

"Why'd you stop jumping?" I asked him, smiling. His cheeks turned pink as he looked down and my chest.

My hands on his hips, I rocked him back and forth. After a few seconds he started moving on his own. I smiled up at him, watching as he scrunched up his face, quietly whimpering. I grinded my hips up into him, making him moan quietly.

"J-Jack... ca-can we... uh- can we," He mumbled. He looked down at me biting his lip.

I smiled even wider, "if you want. Have you before?" I asked him. He quickly nodded and stopped moving, "okay, well... yeah?"

He nodded and slid down my body, "li- uh, lift up," he said, patting the side of my hip. I lifted my butt and he tugged my pants down my legs a little. He moved down a bit further and started stroking me then took me into his mouth.

"Stop looking at that," I told him after a minutes or so, covering my wounds. He stopped for a moment and looked up at me. He slowly grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers, dragging my hand and kissing it. He looked back down and softly kissed my hip, just above the cuts. I smiled down at him as he looked up at me. I pulled him back up toward me and connected our lips.

He moaned against my lips and grinded against me. I moved my hands down and swiftly tugged his shorts down. He sat up and pulled them off the rest of the way, "move up a bit," he told me. I scooted up the bed so I was leaning up against the headboard. He took me back into his moth again, this time all the way.

He sat back up then climbed up on top of me again. He looked down as he hovered over me. I put my hands on his hips and waited for him to lower himself onto me.

"Are you okay?" I asked him, brushing the hair from his forehead. He nodded and then slowly slid down my length.

"Ah, fuck," he moaned as he took all of me in. I started moving him up and down, gripping his hips tightly, "ohhh my god, fuck!" He screamed as I slammed him down. He put his hands over mine as he moved himself on top of me.

He started moving faster and harder, his eyes squeezed shut and his lip practically bit lip in half. He stopped moving and fell onto my stomach, breathing heavily, "it's really fucking hot," he said as he sat back up

"Yeah," I said with a smirk. I grabbed the bottom of his jumper and lifted it. He raised his arms allowing me to pull it over his head, then throw it across my bed. He started moving again, somehow going faster, constant moans escaping his lips. He hands were on my shoulders, nails digging into my skin.

"Fuck, Alex," I moaned as he continued bouncing. I could feel myself getting close, so I started pumping him. He threw his head back.

I started going faster, making him moan louder somehow, "oh, fuck, Jack. I'm go-" he cut himself off as he came on my hand and stomach. He continued moaning as he helped my finish.

"Ah, now. S-stop," I told him. He quickly stopped and moved down, using his hand to finish me off. As I came, he wrapped his mouth around me, sucking all of it up. He wiped his mouth, smiling up at me.

He sat up and put his hands in mine as I held them out. I pulled him up to me and pushed my lips to his. He pulled away and lied next to me, draping his arm across my stomach and his leg across mine. 

"You're perfect, okay?" I told him. He nodded as I kissed his forehead.

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