1| Three Months Later

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It's been 3 months since Shivaay came back to Mumbai from Lucknow. He had taken the next flight to Mumbai as soon as he left the venue. Well thee two months was like a hell for him. He barely goes to the mansion earlier but now it seems that the doors of the mansion and been closed for him for his whole life. He didn't saw the face of his house from the last 3 months. What he will do when he'll reach home? Ok scratch that his big Mansion where no one is for him. No one is there waiting for him except his mother to whom he had distanced himself from the day she left. where there is no one with whom he can share his feelings. where there is no one to love him. Om is not there as he is still in London. Rudra will be in the other wing of the mansion as he doesn't wanted to see his face. Dadi Ignored him and Prinku went abroad for her higher studies. And the one he loved the most his wife is also not there to whom he can love and take care. So is there any reason for which he will go home? aarrgghhh... once again correction-- HIS LARGE MANSION.

NO! A big f**king NO! he laughed a desperate laugh when he realized that he has no one in his life. He is Alone. Alone in this hell of his own life. He laughed a little louder because he was the one responsible for his own condition. Yes he was the one to be blamed and no one in this whole wide world is blamed. How happy must be god to see him like this, defeated, vulnerable, scattered, heart broken. He looked up as he saw someone knocking on his cabin door. "Come in" he said and tried to be normal. "Sir this is the invitation card on your name" his secretary said and kept the card on his table and went away when she saw him nod his head slightly.

he doesn't wanted to see what is that in the golden envelope which seemed to attract him and he stood up, went to the large window which occupy the whole one side of his cabin walls and was able to see the moon clearly shining in the night sky. He smiled sadly because now this moon doesn't seem to be bright but dull for him from the last two months. He doesn't know why but it actually seems a little dull and today there was no star in the sky leaving the Moon all alone. Just like him. All alone and dull! Whenever he see the moon he thinks that he is seeing himself in that. The sun gives light to the moon similarly annika was the sun who give light to his lifeless body and make him alive all day. But now when she is not there he is incomplete and dark.

A lone tear escaped his eyes as he remembered her. As her smiling face came in front of his eyes. Many a times he would hallucinate that she is with him but when he tried to get hold of her she vanished in the thin air. "Sir sorry to disturb you but Dr. Sinha had made a visit to you" Mishra said while he didn't turn and asked him to let the doctor come. He wiped his tears and sat on the leather couch drinking water when a lady in her early fifty made her way inside.

"Welcome Dr. Sinha have a seat" he said and signed her to sit. She smile at him and sat opposite to him. "Shivaay why are you doing this to yourself? one month ago when I met you you were alright and we could have handled the situation but see here is the result of your health. your secretary called me and told me that today you were feeling drowsy, not able to breath and had puked also. Shivaay I'm your doctor try to understand you need to take your medicines otherwise I won't be able to help you. Here are the reports and it shows that your disease is getting worst day after day. have you seen yourself in the mirror? I bet you that you won't be able to recognise yourself. You look like a lifeless man. Shivaay please try to understand and take your medicines. I beg you" Dr. Sinha showed him his reports but he just looked at it and smiled and kept it aside making her shake her head in disbelieve "Shivaay you are smiling like really? Don't you want to live? what will be the condition of your family your wife when they'll come to know abo---" she stopped midway "There is no one doctor No one" he said with a cracked voice but smiled at her.

She held his hand and squeezed it lightly 'Shivaay now I can't help it, I'm going out from the next flight but thought to check you once. I'll be back within a week as my nephew is getting engaged day after tomorrow and if you have any problem I'm just a call away my child" she said while caressing his face and he gave a assured nod "Well give him some good wishes from my side also" he said while she smiled and said that her nephew is also just like him. "Okay I must go now but shivaay for god sake please take your medicines it may effect your heart" she said in a soft tone while he didn't reacted to it and acted as if he haven't listened to it. She sighed and went from there leaving him alone in his thoughts.

The reason to live had already left his soul long before and this small disease is just a mere addition to his painful life so it doesn't matter to him. he knows that this disease can de dreadful to him but don't care. Why will he care? Is there any reason to be alive? No! his heart screamed No dammit! you will have to live like this. I will never forgive you because of this pain you are giving me. His heart said while he kept his hand on it and rubbed it trying to calm his stubborn heart down. He just kept his hand over there and felt his heart beat, smiled because he still love her and his heart will beat only for her.

He fidget with his phone and saw the pic Annika and caresses her face with his soft fingers. After sometime he swipe it and there was a picture of him with his brothers. He smiled when he went to the flashback when this photo was taken and laughed at the thought. His fingers involuntary went towards contacts and he called Om but as always it went dead. He then called Rudra but he also didn't pick it up. He sighed and kept his phone and rested his head against the couch, closing his eyes for a moment.

He looked up and his eyes caught the blue card kept on his table about whom he had already forget. He stood up but once again sat there as he felt his head spinning but after shaking his head violently and trying to be normal he went and sat on his chair and got hold of the card. "SHIVAAY SINGH OBEROI " was written with bold golden letters in front of it and he caressed it but his eyes started to get hazy because for this name he is in this condition. This name! He hate it. he despise it.

he opened the card and his breath caught in his throat and he heart squeezed much harder this time making him breathless. tears started to come out of his eyes like anything and read the line once again "You are gracefully invited to the auspicious occasion Of Annika and Sameer's Engagement" trying to comprehend that. He just threw it away from his hand and pushed everything from his desk, made his way outside the cabin and then outside his office with blood shot red eyes.


So here is the First part. I hope you all like it. I know it is really heart wrenching but he had to go through all this.

Do give your feedback on this would love to know about your views regarding it.


-Anya <3

Shivka SS| Pal Bhar ✔️Where stories live. Discover now