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"Gorgeous?"Sameer asked as soon as he entered the room,he looked around to see her standing att he other end of the room near the window gazing outside,she looked like as if she is in deep thoughts.With slow steady steps he reached her,he saw her eyes red with tears, he realized that she had been crying few minutes ago and with a slight tab on her shoulder , she was back to the world"what happened Gorgeous?Are you ok?"sameer aksed with concern dripping from his his each word.Annika hadn't met his eyes and the mat on the floor had suddenly become a very attractive thing to watch. She just nodded her head in affirmation , when he heard a chuckle from his side making her loook at him shocked "Annika tumne kya lagta hai ki tum mujhe jo bhi bologi main wo sach maan jaaonga?" he asked softly maing her tear up a little more while he smiled lightly.

he just made her sit on the cough and sat infront of her taking her hand in his"Annika I hope that you remembered what I have told you when I proposed you that whenever you felt that this relation is not for you,you are free to break it.Didn't I told you?" he asked tenderly while tears finally started to decend down her cheeks "No sameer I'm happy with this, I don't know why are you asking me this at this time when we are going downstairs" , she just sniffed and wiped off her tears stood up dragging him downstairs,as she started to move she felt a sharp turn making her face him"Then why are you crying? and please don't tell me that these are tears of happiness"he said making her look up at him bewildered,what she will tell him about these tears?As she too herself don't knw why she is crying.

"what I'll do Sameer?"she asked with a defeated sigh "Just called off this engagement" he whispered whle she looked at him as if he has grown horns on his head "Arre why are you looking at me like this?I hadn't asked you to give your kidney to me so stop gawking me like this"he said playfully while his eyes get covered with a thin layer of water.Annika was taken aback by this gesture of him.Had he lost it?He is asking her to call off their engagement."sameer what are you saying?"she gasped "I'm telling that called off this engagement"he said while keeping his hand on both sides of his pocket with a cacual shrug. "please Sameer this is not the time to joke"annika was infatuated , sameer just pulled up his hand in surrender and with a swift move he made her sit on the couch once gain"Annika I'm not joking! I'm serious", annika just took away her hand fro his grip "have you lost it sameer? why would I call off this engagement?" she asked still in shock "because you love shivaay, annika admit it" annika just closed her eyes as soon as the name shivaay entered her eardrum,"It's nothing like that Sameer , I had left my pas---" she was cut in midway by sameer"I told you tumhare kehne se jhoot sach nahi ho jaayega" making her curse him as he had very well know her.

"You know sameer that why I can't go to him.Don't you?than why are you digging that now?making me miserable? and if you are going to called it off than hear me out that I will be not going to shivaay.Did you hear me?I will not go to him"she said as the tears burned her eyes "But---" sameer thought to reason it but he was cut in midway"No sameer! I can't just leave you like this,and neither can't I just go to shivaay,I never thought that you will do this! sameer I wanted to give this relation a chance did you hear me? I want"she whispered the last part and hide her face in her palm,moving it in a leftright direction.

"Okay gorgeous I won't force you to do this, but just think about it once again it's not like if we'll get engaged than you can't freee yourself from this,you had this right now as well as that time"he said while cupping his face,"Wait a minute I wanted to ask you something are you drunk or what?"she asked with a curious look,he just laughed out loud making her look at him more confusingly"No not at all gorgeous! I know this behaviour of mine is out of my character and it let people think that I'm drunk but trust me whatever I said,I said in my senses"Annika was overwhlemed by his gesture,she will never stop loving him as a friend.She was feeling like blessed to have him as her best friend and as a gratitude she hugged him tight whispering a thank you while he smiled reciprocating the hug.

"But I think I look handsome being senti don't I?"he grinned making her hit him on his back lightly while hugging "you will never change Don't you?"she said while coming out of the hug "here we were serious and you had to praise yourself"she twisted her mouth making him pull her cheeks in admiration "Oh god I would never ask you again this question"she said with a sigh "Good girl!"he smiled brightly and rubbed off her tear stained cheeks making her irritated.

"Let's Go"he said and made her stood up when she stilled,sensing her like this he looked at ehr with questioning eyes"Shivaay"sh wispered as once again tears started to weld up in her cocoa brown orbs"I know you will face him.and I will be with you"he said with a assured nood while she was still unsatisfied but nodded her head and started to move to go to the lawn.


Well today shivaay realized that what is the restlessness of seeing someone you loved.Well his eyes were continuosly moving in it's own accords everywhere trying to get a glimse of someone he is unconditionally in love with. His heart was all in a different path "Just walk out from here you stubborn man the feeling is itself suffocating me and you are standing here to see her with someone else? Don't you understand that I won't be able to handle it! Just go from here" he just shrug of the thought as it is normal because from the day he had taken that unfaithful decision he was at constant fight with his heart and regarding his mind he had long before shut it down,not at all giving a glance on it.He glanced at his side as he felt a tug on his hand to see rudra staring at him with hopeful eyes,giving him silent pleading to go from here,but he just noded in a No,he just gave a defeated sigh.

"bhaiya How can you just see bhabhi like this?Don't you feel pain?"he asked while turning to him,he just gave a dry chuckle making rudra groan in frustation,he doesn't understand what had enetered his brothr's body?which is leading him to do all this "Rudra! Mere BHAI It pained but I'm used to it, but today it is paining more,I don't know why?"he asked as he rubbed the portion just obove his heart with his hand,Making rudra close his eyes as he felt his eyes stink."Oh Yeah I know why it is hurting?It is hurting because of my deeds"he said with an amused tone"Rudra did you listen it is hurting because of me,I'm responsible for this"he said shaking him a little while he just looked at him blankly"Why are you doing this bhaiya?"he whispered desperately "Because I deserve it"he said hoarsily making rudra breath hitch at the intensity of his deep voice.


So here is the next part! I hope you all liked it.😁 Do tell me about it as I really wanted to know how this story is for you all. constructive feedbacks are the most welcome. Now there is only 2 parts left for this story yo end.

With Love,

Shivka SS| Pal Bhar ✔️Where stories live. Discover now