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Annika was brought back to the earth when she felt someone shaking her"Bhabhi please don't do this,please come with me"Rudra pleaded her while she looked down at her fingers not able to meet his eyes,Seeing this rudra just left her"Okay bhabhi I know you won't be able to do it but I need to ask you one question and If its answer in no then I will surely leave you I promise"he said as he rubbed off his tears.She just loked at him with blood shot red eyes and the question just shook the groung beneath her.

"Do you Love bhaiya?"

Annika just closed her eyes shut and her form started to tremble because of the pain it caused her internally."Answer me bhabhi DO you Love Bhaiya?"rudra demanded an answer from her.How can she say that she doesn't love him?he was still in her heart beating.But she won't be able to say Yes either than She will broke Sameer's heart.She was in a mess at that time,fighting with her heart and mind weather to say yes or No.But that one thought of been betrayed once again overpower her and this was it,She opened her eyes and while not looking at his eyes said a nO whiich was audible to her only but rudra heard it"Bhabhi look at my eyes and tell it once again"he asked her while she continue to look downwards"Just leave rudra"she said "Just look at me and say it and I will go"he whispered.

She gathered all her courage and looked up sharply at him with dull eyes"No "she said aloud while rudra chuckled making her more miserable"Oh great bhabhi you started telling lies also?But I will tell you a truth that you need to practise it more"he said with an amused look while annika looked aside "I'm telling na I don't love him"She said once again but it was whispered yet a pleading"Who bhabhi?"he asked softly "Rudra just go! I won't be able to do more,No Just go it's too late"she said and moved towards the window once again while Rudra started at her back with a small smile"I know how much you lie but your heart would never eccept this Bhabhi,Anyways congratulation for this new journey's of your's and good luck"he said mockingly and went away from there.

Annika just feel down on the ground with a thud and cried out loud. "I love him rudra I love him! but I won't be able to leave Sameer nor I will be able to go back to him,I'm scared! Scared of another heart break" she said while sobbing badly. Her fate had once again led her into this mess,where she had to choose her friend and her love, if she will go to her love than again she will be showered with pain and if she will go to his friend than again she will be showered with pain. But the difference is if she chooses shivaay than he will give her pain and if she goes to sameer then she will give herself pain and she thought that being in pain is much more better then recieving it,So she choosed Sameer. But deep down her heart is calling her a betrayal."you are a cheater annika,you are cheating bothof them them!"Her heart screamed making her go dizzy.

"NO! No I'm not a cheater! NO"she screamed while keeping her hand on her ear as the word cheater started to echo in the room.She saw herself standing in front of her laughing and saying cheater.She just closed her eyes and gather her legs near her chest and started crying hypertectly."No I'm not that! NO"she continue telling it as a sacred chant.When she felt a soft yet small hand holding her shoulder "Didi"Sahil called out softly making her cry more"Annika Didi Listen"he tried to make her face him but she just hugged him tightly making his clothes wet with her tears."I'm not cheating anyone Sahil! I'm not a cheater! You know I'm scared.I'm a weak person Sahil.I'm weak"She continue to say all this between her sobs while sahil whispered sweet nothing in her ear,roaming his small hand at her back in an attempt to make her calm"Shh! Didi I know you are not a cheater.You can never be"he whispered while she tightened her hold on him and continue to weep.

They sat there like that for sometimes and when her tears start to slower down he pushed a little and made her look at him"Don't cry Di"he whipered and rubbed her tear strained cheeks "Sahil does I look like a cheater?"she asked him as she chocked at last,Sahil just shook his left and right saying it a big No."No Didi I'm telling you that you can never be like that. Annika didi you know what You the the most brave girl in this whole world,You are not weak,My annika didi is not weak"sahil said as tears too started to desend down his cheeks "But I'm weak Sahil I'm weak,I'm scared to got toshivaay! and I'm scared to loose sameer"she said as once aagain fresh streams of tears started to come out of her red fluffy eyes.

"I'm scared that if I will go to shivaay than he will again tore my heart and I can't afford to break down once again,you know what Sahil now darkness doesn't sems to haunt me but the darkness in which I let myself drown into when Shivaay leave me,it is more haunting and I don't want to slip into it once again,Do you understand me Sahil I don't wanted to go there.Then who will take care of you?Huh? I love shivaay but this though didn't let me took this step and leaving Sameer at this moment will be like I'm cheating on him.I can't break his heart"she said while sobbing and sahil just took her once again in his arms and she sobbed,letting out all her turmoil at that fraction of time.

But they don't know that they had an audience who was looking at them with tear filled eyes.He just stood there,his back pressed on the wall next to the door as silent tears started to decend down his cheeks."I will make everything alright Annika"he whispered and stood there for sometime.


So here is the next part! I hope you all like this.Thank you for voting and makingthids story to come to #58 in Short stories! I'm really happy Now! and So I updated it today!

With Love,

-Anya <3

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