2| Bitter Past

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Shivaay drove faster as he can and stoppped in front of a bar,where he could just loose himself and live a few moments of peace beause alcohol is the only thing which will help him to escape from this living hell of his and he was glad that despite no one can help him to ease the pain but their hand made stuffs is helping him.Yeah,It will give him relief for just a mere hours but he is alright with it.he went and sat on the bar counter ordering whisky,started gulping down one after the other.


Shivaay went to the party once again after half an hour until he was able to control  himself but it seems it never gonna end so with great difficulty he plastered a smile on his face and went to the venue.As he entered,the feeling of being at home was gone and this made him realize that annika was not there and he was thankful for it.If he saw her with sameer once again he wouln't take that and would have done something which he will later regret.The regret of his dicision was enough for him for his whole life and adding more to it will be immpossible for him to live his life.He just wanted to go home at this very moment but he wanted to say something to sameer and for that he came here.

He looked around the venue and he saw him talking to some guest.With each step towards him,his mind screamed him to stop.Stop this stupid act of his.but he had long before stopped taking the advice of his mind and listened to what ever his heart was telling him."Sameer"he called out in a hoarse voice while smeer turned to look at this devastated man who seems that he had lost his everything just a few mins ago."Yes shivaay"he replied and excused himself from the guest.As he turned he was taken into a tight embrace by shivaay making him shock to hell but what he said made him pat his back in an assured way.

"Sameer take care of annika and sahil I know you are the one who can take care of her,I have always made her cry but I know you will keep her happy.best of luck bro!"he whispered in his ears while sameer to reciprocated it"I will"sameer whispered but how he truely wanted to say him that he is the one and only person who can make annika happy and how much she loved him and continue to love him.Annika's words echoed in his ears"Promise me that you will never tell this that I still love him to Shivaay,never!I know you two havn't met yet but if by chance if you'll meet him.Don't dare to tell him this else i will also go away from here"she had told him when he had called her to know if she reached home.He closed his eyes telling a unheard sorry to him for being this cruel.But he had to do this and he is helpless.

Shivaay came out of the hug making him come out of his thoughts and look at him with a guilty expression"I know you must be confused why I'm telling this to you and not beating you black and blue ,this is because I know I can never make her happy and the one thing I can give her is only pain,but I'm happy that she is happy and safe with you,don't you dare make her cry ever and you are the most lucky person to have her so don't loose this chance"he said with a small smile with tearful eyes and patted his shoulder in a friendly manner.He smiled at him"I feel envy towards you that you are stilll the most lucky person as you have her"he thought but didn't said anything.

Shivaay turned to go as he can't act much now,the mask is slipping from his face and he can't afford it.he felt a tug on his wrist and looked at sameer"I will keep your promise shivaay I will"he said with a smile while he nodded as he was not abe to make a sentence because of the lump in his throat and vanished out of the venue with tears in his eyes and a broken heart but a satisfaction that his Annika was in safe hands.

Flasback Ends.

"Sir the bar is going to be closed"the bartender called out to an highly intoxicated shivaay who had till now gulp down a number of glass."hmm..yes"he said in a slurry tone and tried to stand up,he took out his wallet and gave a handful of money and started to walk out of the bar.Once outside,he looked around to see that the area was almost deserted,Empty Dark just like him.As he walked he looses his control and tripped making him fall on th road and faint.

"Hello is this Rudra?"A person asked on the other side of the phone"Yes but who are you? Where is Bhaiya?"rudra asked in panicked  voice.He doesn't wanted to pick his call but something trigerrred in his heart which forced him to recieve it.

"I was passing by when I saw this person with whom this phone belong lying unconciously on the road and you wwere the first one on the dial so I called you"the person said politely and said the address to Rudra who came running to his bhaiya with 15 mins.

He took him into the car and tried to shake him to make him come out of his unconcious state.Welll his heart squeezed when he saw him like this.He hadn't saw him from past 3 moths and when atlast he saw him,It made him guilty for his decisions,for not being with his superman but on the other side he was still angry with his dicisions.But At this very moment looking at this devastated man in front of him had melted his stone like heart for his brother.He drove to the Oberoi mansion and took him to his room which was still the same way as it was 3 months ago.


thankoo everyone for your love and support.I'm back with the next part.I hope you all like it.And do give your reviews regarding this one.It will be a pleasure to read them.


-Anya <3

Shivka SS| Pal Bhar ✔️Where stories live. Discover now