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Rudra stared at the man who fortunately was his elder brother but ther was a lot of change in his appearance.He loked like a defeated man who had loose all his hope to live a life,he realized he had loose a lot of weight,there was big black bags around his eyes,hair a little messy as if it had not been cut for months now,beard dis shealved and a no. of stressed line on his forehead.he saw him turning in his sleep.

Shivaay felt as if someone is not letting him open his eyes,he tried to move but it felt as if he was paralised,his head was throbing with extreme pain but he was used to it.He with great difficulty opened his eyes to see the shadow of an hazy creature sitting beside him.He flicked his eyes to clear the view of his eyes and turned his head a little to see that he was in some different place.On a keen observation he realized that he was in his room,in Oberoi Mansion where he hadn't came from the last 3 months.

He was surprised to realize that he couldn't make out at the first glance that he was in his room where he lived his whole life till now.How can he realize it?The room seemed as if it was a whole new place,He turned a little to left and saw that every thing was in it's place but still something was missing which was making it looking haunting.Yeah.haunting mabye because it was not gving him the warmth that it gave when SHE was with him in this room.It lack the feeling of being at home and this is the reason he couldn't decipher that he was in his room.His gaze once again went towards the person who was sitting beside him and he realized that the person was looking like rudra.He must be dreaming,he smiled at the thought.

"Rudra"Shivaay whispered in an inaudible voice to clear his misunderstanding of him being rudra but rudra was able to hear him out."Yes bhaiya"he said instantly while tightening his grip on his hands.Rudra breath caught in his throat as he saw his brother's eyes which was empty and dull.He didn't believe that it was the same eyes which always had thre tendancy to make every one's heart melt down once but no it is now haunting.shvaay just smiled sadly as tears started to desends down his cheeks"you will again vanish right? I'm once again dreaming"he said with difficulty while rudra shaked his head violently saying he is not right,he will be there with him."I'm sorry bhaiya I shouldn't have treated you like this"he said as tears too started to flow from his eyes.He just gave a soft chukle"see I know I'm dreaming,this alcohol always made me hallicunate"he slurred out."It must be me who must apologize and here you are doing it"

Rudra just shaked him lightly and asked him to believe that he was there in real."Bhaiya you are not dreaming I'm here with you"he said while Shivaay knitted his brows together and extended his hand towards his face,he just touched his cheeks to believe that his baby brother was there with him and with that a sob escaped his mouth but soon it was replaced with a little wider smile.

Shivaay moved forward and hugged him close to his heart"Rudra! you are in real how I missed you rudra"shivaay cried his heart out in the embrace of his baby brother while he too had the matual feelings."I missed you too superman I missed you too'he said and hugged him tight.Suddenly shivaay came out of the embrace and touched his face to feel him as he was still having the feeling that this was all a dream and nothing else.Rudra smiled with tears in his eyes"I'm really sorry bhaiya!I was angry with you because you let bhabhi go away but now I think I shouldn't have done that everyone stands a chance and you too,When I was small you always forgive me for my deeds so now when I got the chance I didn't forgive you.I'm bad bhaiya!I'm bad!"he hold his hand and started to shake it so that shivaay could slap him.

Shivaay just witdraw his hands and held his cheeks"Rudra how can you say you are bad?Rudra it was the situation which led you to behave like this and I deserve this rudy because it was me who had choosed this"shivaay said with a sad smile."I lost everyone rudra,you Om annika dadi everyone"He said with a desperate yet defeated sigh.Rudra was feeling as if a sword has been pierced in his heart and again seeing his superman like this.Defeated.He know that he was also the cause for this.he realized that the anger towards him was gone long much before he know that it exists and the last string was cut today when he saw him lying on the road unconcious mumurring annika over and over again.he realized how much his elder brother had to go through in the span of these nearly three years.

How could he just forget all his good memories as well as precious moments with his superman.He felt ashamed that for a dicision--Correction A BIG dicision he left him alone.he disowned him--ok not that but still is was similar to that.he can't say that he was right at that very moment as his dicision was not at all right and soo he should be angry with him.yes Why not? He should be angry with him,not talk to him,ignore him for sometime.YES for sometime as he was his dearest brother,We say that the one who loves us always forgive us,but what he did?He punished him for whoe 3 years approximately.He is a bad brother,he's been a jerk and now he wanted to rectify his mistakes his bloody mistakes and an urge of making everything alright washed over him.Yes he will try as much as he can.

"I'm here for you bhaiya!and I promise I will bring everyone back to you no matter what.I know Om will be a difficult subject but I know he loves you very much and he will also forgive you"rudra assured him while shivaay smiled at his baby brother who suprisingly is not at all behaving like a child.Maybe these three years had taught him alot of things as both his brothers were not by his side.He smiled a little brighter as now he was assuring him that he will make everything alright.What an innocent soul he is.But does he know that he can make everyone forgive but not one person?Does he know that the person he is talking about is the person whom he had hurt the most?"Thank you rudra!"he whispered and shivaay for the first time hoped that his long lost dreams which he thought would never be able to come true does come true!


So here's the end of part 3 I hope you all like it.😄
And Now Shivaay had his baby brother with him.
Do give your feedback on this one.


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