4|False Hope

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"And we will find annika bhabhi also and I wil make her forgive you it's my promise"Rudra said after a pause"We shouldn't make promises which we aren't able to keep rudra , annika will never forgive me.Never.She had moved on.She is getting engaged soon" and soon tears started to stream down his dull orbs,his fisted the sheets in his hands as the thought of annika being with someone else tore him apart'What the hell are you saying baiya?Bhabhi moved on and she is getting engaged like seriously?,She loved you bhaiya,she can't do this to you"rudra said being flabbastered for a few seconds."It's the truth rudy"he whispered but soon smiled,a sad one thought"But I'm happy that she moved on"he said "Yes I'm"and with that he hugged rudra tightly and once again started to sob.

Rudra just couldn't decipher what his brother is talking about,he waited for him to calm down a bit and when shivaay controllled himself"But you must be misunderstood bhaiya.But where did you meet her?"he asked in a literally curious tone.Shivaay just narrated the entire think that how he had met her and how he had saw her with sameer and later today evening he got an invitation card of her and sameer's engagement."Bhaiya annika bhabhi will never do it,I will make her realize that she loves you and she can't move on like this"rudra said once again in a assured tone "Maybe it come true rudra!"he whispered hoarsily.Rudra knows how much annika loved shivaay,and he had faith in her that she can never do it.He hope against hope that this is not the truth.


"Bhaiya are you alright?"rudra asked in a worried tone seeing shivaay taking deep breath and loosening his tie with a pained expression."yeah I'm alright it's just this tie is a little suffocating"shivaay said with much difficulty and got hold of the glass of water which was passed by Rudra."have this bhaiya you will fel good"he said and made him drink some water.Shivaay put his head at the back of his chair resting for sometime as he was now feeing better when rudra voice made him open his eyes"bhaiya tell me is there anything you are hiding from me?"he asked with a curious tone"No rudra there's nothing !Trust me I'm ok it's just---"Shivaay said and streched the last part"It's just what bhaiya?"he asked a little aloud"It's just the old disease and nothing"he said with a sigh"How cold you say it's nothing?bhaiya you should have gone to a doctor for this"he said enraged at the carelessness of his brother towards his health"yeah,Iv'e gone to a doctor and prescribed medicines" "So are you taking them?" "Hmm..yes!"shivaay replied after a pause.

How could he just say that his condition is getting worst day by day because he is not taking his medicines despite being know that it can be dreradful for him.He really don't want to take those medicines.What he will do after taking them?Just that his lifespan will increase and he can live more?just to feel the pain more?Just to think of her and carve for her?No he can't live without her and if the uneasiness and this unbearable pain which he is suffering from these years could finish for not having the medicines than he will do that,He knows his family will never forgive him but they should understand tha he is also a human and not superman or supernatural that he can bear the pain.It's enough! he won't be able to do it more.

"But why are you not meeting with anyone bhaiya?"Rudra asked while bringing him back from his thoughts"I won't be able to face them Rudra"shivaay whispered while rubbing his face with his palm"No I can't"he added , rudra just gave a defeated sigh.

"Why ?Bhaiya why aren't yo able to face us?"he said in urgency"I Don't know!But still I can't"he said and gulped down the left over water.

"we are going to land in lucknow in 5 mins----"the pilot announced making them end this conversation here.

Shivaay heaved a sigh of relief as he thought that today rudra wouldn't leave him before getting the answer.yes he was afraid that if he nudge him totell the reason he will be at sort of words.Why?Because he too don't know the reason.Maybe his condition was not letting him meet them as they will come to know abou it.He is not leaving in OM yet,and one big reason for it is that he doesn't wanted to face his mother.the mothere who took everything from him.He shouldn't have been saying this but still he can't forgive her.No he just can't.And he also don't wanted his family to be panicked because of his health because he is the one who is responsible for this and he is the one who will face it without letting anyone know about it.Deep in his heart he is going this to punish himself,because he hurted his family and that pure soul whom he is unconditionally in love with.

his heart once again squeezed in his chest as he realized that hwe was going in her engagement.Yes he will go ,he will go and see her becoming someone else in front og his eyes,punishing himself! But at the same time will be happy that she finally had moved on.Had left all her haunting past behind which unfortunately is all because of him and walk in the path which will bring her immense happiness and love which she deserves.A small smile made it's way to his lips at this thought.But still it will hurt him,Hurt?It will destroy him inside out crushing his heart into power as it is already broken.

H was taken out of his thought as he felt been on the groung once again,which means the flight had been landed in lucknow and few haours hence he will see his love becoming someone else.

Rudra first didn't believe this but seeing the serious and broken look on shivaay's face he was forced to believe that his bhabhi had finally moved on and was for real was getting engaged,this had come like to blow to him but still he wantwed to meet her last time,asking her what was the reason that hse left his bhaiya like this and also that doesn't she love him now? and so after pleading him which felt like enternity he had accompained him here.And he will took this xchance for himself,no for the beterment of his bhaiya bhabhi.Yes he will ask annika all of that anf if her answer will be yes that she had moved on than he will just leave her,and will be seeing the destruction of his bhaiya's life in front of his eyes.

And he hope against hope that what he wanted come true.


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