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Never in his wildest dream No scratch that before these 3 years when she left him,Shivaay had never thought that he will be like this,crying not like really,if anyone will see him now it will like everything is normal in his life,he is contentant with his life why not they will thing this? as this is the time he will surely use his practise of using the mask which he had perfected in these 20 to 15 years of his life but only who are close to him will see how broken he looked and how his broken heart is crying loudly.Well maybe! He is not sure if anyone would see this side of him from the great wall he had created around him but little did he know that his little brother can see it.

Rudra stood just beside his superhero who is apparently wearing that suffocating mask of his on his face in an attempt to hide his vulnerable state from this highly profiled bussiness man and guest in the party.He sigh with blood shot red eyes as he wasn't able to help his brother his bhaiya in any way. Well his superhero was right "We shouldn't make promises which we aren't able to keep it" but he is not an Antaryami that he got to know that this will happen. and he really hoped that it will not happen but his fate betrayed him and here he was standing in front of the people wo had come in his bhabhi.Correction - his annika didi's engagement with Sameer.he will lost the ritgh to call her bhabhi after a few minutes so he is practicing in saying her did from now on so that later it will be easy to say it.

He is not at all angry with her.Why he will be?does she did a crime?No if thinking of yourself is a crime than it is definately wrong.and She is has thought of herslef so she is not wrong but there is a little part of him who is a little upset with her dicision as she was leaving his bhaiya.It's a natural response but he will not show this.As she had full right to make her own life decision,to choose her welbeing and little did he know that his bhabhi aggrrrhhh... Annika Didi is lying as he could see the dullness and the stifening of her body gesture when she said that she didn't love his brother and to his surprise he know why she did it.At that time he was really angry but later when he sat at the bench in the park looking at the childrens playing , He saw a small girl running and aroung when she slipped and got hurt on her elbow,as her parents came running to her helping her to stand up,they instantly throw away her pink slippers which she was wearing and the girl said sadly"You were right ,It again made me slip! I love this slippers but now I'm scared to wear it again what if it made me slip once again and I would be more hurt.So I won't need this"she finished making his breath stop.

He was surprised that this little act in front of him made his eyes open to the truth.He knows that it was god's will to make him see this.He realized that his bhabhi - he gave out a groan as again he called her bhabhi but anyways,he realized that she was scared of another heartbreak as he could clearly seee the fear in her dull cocoa brown eyes but at the heat of an argument he was not able to decipher it at that very moment but now he understood it and he was feeling angry on himself for thinking all this.He forgoted all the suffering she had experienced when shivaay bhaiya as with her as he was blinded by the devastated state of his brother but she is totally right at her place.But she should understand that bhaiya had changed, he is a changed man now,not the Shivaay Singht Oberoi who lived his whole life on the principle of naam khoon khaandaan.

Oh god this naam khoon khaandan is the root cause of all this.How he wished that his brother would have taken the right dicision but to his bad luck it didn't happen and this why they had to face all this.He for the firdst time felt as if he was trapped because he doesn't know to which side he support?His brother's or his bhabhi,ok now he will call her bhabhi only and later will try to change it as habit do die hard.He is not able to decipher who is right at this very moment.Does it is annika ot his bhaiya?No both are okay at their place but it is not good for anyone of thm as it will onlt give them pain in return and nothing else.When he reached the hotel he saw shivaay's face pale and sweat was all over his forehead,he looked like as if few minutes before he had struck with an attack but he just throw this thought at the furthest corner of his head as he saw him sleeping soundly and thought not to disturb him.

After some time when he woke up he had asked him not to go as it is not nesseccery but shivaay was one such stubborn lad and he came here to see his love becoming someone else.Rudra had tried his best but failed miserably he wanted to shake his brother badly and ask him why he is doing this?Punishing himself?but doesn't these three years of punishment is not enought?well he aksed this to himslef and to his disbelief or utter shock his answer was NO.and he realised that his brother had down one such big sin that he won't be able to forgive him.and so shivaay was right in his place,he will punish himself.

"Arre shivaay beta!I 'm glad that you came"Mr.Ahuja hugged shivaay who smiled fakely at the old man"hello Uncle, how would I han't come here as it was your daughter's engagement"he said and tried hard not to make it look like a dead voice as deep down his heart was squeezing in his chest making him grip his hand to control the pain."and meet my brother Rudra Singh Oberoi,he also wanted to accompany me"shivaay introduced him while he gave a warm smile towards the old man who in turn did the same and went away not before asking them to enjoy themselves.How they will enjoy? Shivaay just wanted to laugh out loud at his cruel fate,if thsi person was someone else then he would have just said"yes we are literally enjoying it"in a mocking tone but stop himself.


Opsss! Sorry for being late! I was struck in some work *Bad ME* But here is the next part! I hope you all like it.Do giev your reviews regarding it.

With Love,

-Anya <3

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