twenty four // my heart will go on

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Hello my loves

FOR THOSE OF YOU THAT QUESTIONED WHETHER OR NOT FAITH CAN BE COMPELLED, I'm well aware that witches and werewolves cannot be compelled. However, I made it this way because I wanted to add it to this story. It was my idea from the beginning, but turning Faith into a witch and werewolf, wasn't.
So please ignore the difference that I made.


Obviously I'm not from the AD time, so I don't really know how they would casually speak. And I'm not going to try, because that would just be silly.So ignore the modern language.

Short chapter for you.

Love you all

xx Charliiiiiiiii

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1001 AD

Feed the madness and it feeds on you.

Feed the madness and it feeds on you.

Feed the madness and it feeds on you.

"Mother! I'm off to the lake!" I call into the home, moving fast enough for no one to stop me.

They always try to stop me.

They never succeed.

I quickly grab my basket and pull up my dress, stepping out of the doorway.

I hear my mother and father yell after me and I grin as I run off, fast enough for them not to catch up. With the baby still in their care, there was no way they'd leave just for little old me.

I follow the path I made myself long ago, never straying from its track. No one knew of it, it was always something that was just mine. Although it lead to a place where everyone visited.

My favourite place.

The lake.

It sounds so simple, so meaningless.

But it was everything to me.

Finally the clearing came into view, the sun setting so perfectly, the water shining.

The shape of a woman kneeling on the ground finding its way into my view.

"I hope you haven't begun without me, Rebekah" I chime, smiling as her body jumps at the sound of my voice.

"They're just so beautiful" she claims.

I kick off my shoes, running through the grass without a care in the world.

Falling to my knees, I look over to her basket and see dozens of flowers. While my basket remained empty.

"Here" my head snaps towards Rebekah's hand. A gorgeous yellow flower with purple rims. One I've never seen before. "I only found one. For your sister."

I grinned brightly, gently taking the flower from her hand. "Thank you. She'll love it."

If love is not madness, it is not love.

If love is not madness, it is not love.

If love is not madness, it is not love.

Nightfall was coming in fast and soon enough Rebekah and I were making our way home.

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