Chapter 1

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This is basically the chapter I wrote in my mini chapter/stories books but it has like three changes, I was going to add more but I think it would be confusing:)x


More than one hundred years ago the human race ruled the earth, there were more humans than the earth could hold but that changed... One day something happened, something attacked us and we lost everything, our homes, our family, our culture, our histoy and we barely know what happened.

Nowadays there are barely humans walking on earth, and I am one of them.

"We should hurry, it's about to get dark soon so just take a quick bath" William pressures me, he has been my bestfriend from practically my entire life, after his parents died he moved out with my family but now that my parents are lost(He claims that they're lost but I know they're dead)... We're alone and we need to find others.

"You should take a bath too, you stink!" I take my clothes off and only wearing my underwear I enter to the stream, the cold clean water makes me shriek but it feels good, it makes me feel alive.

"Yeah, after you" His black hair is screaming for a bath.

"Or you could join me" I tell him

"Someone needs to make a guard, we don't know this woods good enough but we do know we can be killed" I sigh and start washing myself, it's always like this, he's always being super careful about all. Fish hit me while I clean myself and everytime I laugh, the trees that are not green look so pure, I can't really imagine how earth was before or maybe I can because the nature may have recovered its balance now but we're definitely ruinning it again, just see us, two teenagers running from who knows who.

"Okay, I'm finished now it's your turn. We don't know when we're going to be able to take a bath again" I tell him when I get out, I start drying with a tower but the sun does its job pretty fast.

"Okay, so you take the guard now. I'll be quick" he tells me in less than five minutes he's over. "We need to start moving, according to the map we're just a few days away from the civilization... We'll be safe there" he tells me and kiss my cheek.

"How do you know that?" I ask him packing my stuff.

"Your parents told us so"

"I know you miss them but we need to survive, there's no time for pain right now" he tells me and we start walking. This has been the worst thing, since last week he has been like this... Cold, wanting to survive, I get it obviously, I want to live as much as he wants it and more than all I want him to live and I know he wants me to live but being like this is not the solution.

"It's about three, we'll need to do a camp in about two or three hours"

"I know..." he says, we stay quiet for a while, I miss the old days when we would be together but instead of being so distant we would hug or kiss or just talk for a long, long time. "When was the last time you eat something?"

"I don't know" I shrug, I've practically lost my apetite. William start looking around and he suddenly stops.

"There" he points to a tree that is relatively close, an apple tree "At least you should eat this" he walks there and cuts an apple.

"You should eat one, too" I tell him and he shakes his head, he runs his fingers over my back and I smile.

"Let's go, we shouldn't stop." He tells me and his small gesture stops, I sigh.

I start eating the apple and it tastes so good, I guess when you stop eating so much when you eat something it just tastes better. Ten minutes after I've eaten my apple I heard a noise, normally I wouldn't scare because there are a lot of animals around here but after this week every noise puts me on the edge.

"Did you?" William asks and I nod, that puts me even worst.

Another noise.

"Should we run?" I ask him, we start walking even faster than before and my stomach starts to ache, I feel as if I'm gonna throw up in any minute.

"No... You've just eat." He looks over his should to see if someone is after us and I do the same. "We should look for a shelter... A cave or something" We are in the middle of the forest, we won't find a cave near, at least not one around 3 km around.

"What? There are no caves here..." we start jogging.

One noise and then another.

"We can't just run away everytime we hear a noise" He tells me after a while and we start running.

"Do you want to face them?" I'm getting tired due to the lack of sleep. "That would be... Crazy"

"We don't know if the ones following us are bad."

"What? They killed my parents!"

"How do you know that? We haven't seen their bodies or anything"

"My parents wouldn't abandon us! You know that more than anyone!" my lungs start burning due to the exercise.

 "I know that, Ella! but they... We should hide, climb a tree that is high enough for no one to find us"

"And if they see us?" Another noise and I can hear a sneeze, if there was a doubt about us being chases now it has been confirmed"

"Then we'll fight, trust me nothing will happen to you" He takes my hand and squeezes it "Look, this tree. You go first" He tells me and points to a tree that is about 10 meters. He helps me start climbing, I hear him climb after me, my muscles aching. "Faster, Ella." he hurries me and I try but it's difficult, I've never done so much exercise in my life as I've the last few days.

"I'm trying but it hurts... My entire body and I'm tired and hungry"

"Just a little bit more I think that if we climb another two meters no one will be able to see us." I nod and do a even bigger effort, I'm afraid that I might fall.

"I can't go higher, Will, please let's stop" He tells me and I hug a big branch to breath.

"I know, baby" he climbs to the branch where I'm and sits next to me. "Come here" he pulls me to his arms and I close my eyes at the same time another noise breaks the silent making me jump, this time the noise sounds closer. "stay quiet" Williams whispers in my ear.

Minutes pass and nothing happens until we see them.. Two young men, tall men, muscular men and they're looking around like wanting to find us. They start talking but I can barely understand what they say.

"That way" One say and the other denies with his head

"Straight" is the only word I'm able to hear from the other one.

"Think?... Maybe yes" I hate only hearing a few words.

"Danger... Find them... Lost them" They're talking about us, I'm sure and William holds me even tighter. The other one nods and they start walking straight.

We lost them.

"I don't think it's safe to go down yet..." William whispers.

"me neither."

"They were looking for us and they mentioned that it was because of something dangerous..." he tells me obviously concerned

"I don't know... This is just weird..."

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