Chapter 11.

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I wake up to noise outside our room, it's probably the morning by now and people are going to eat. I move myself away from Will's arms, I should get a bath but hey, I have no fucking idea where I can, I should have asked that boy I met yesterday, what was his name? Oh, Lucas, I should have asked Lucas.

I walk outside and there are a few people on the corridor, maybe one of them will be nice enough to tell me, I spot a brunette standing outside the closest room with her head against the door and her eyes closed, she has a towel on her hand.

"Hey." I touch her shoulder with my index finger when I get to where she is, she opens her eyes and sees me.


"Do you know where the bathroom is? I'm dying for a shower" I say with a smile, she stares at me for a few seconds.

"Oh, you're the one who broke the windows, thanks for that, at least none of us was hurt" She laughs but I can sense a bitterness on her voice and even though her voice is like that she has a sweet voice.

"Oh, sorry about that..." The girl is really beautiful, her hair is a mess right now but I cant tell her hair is just as beautiful as she is, hey, maybe this is the bathroom. "Um, is this the bathroom?" I ask pointing at the door.

"No" She smiles "It is actually my room but my stupid ass roommate has locked me out, again." She bangs the door really loud "Mary, open the fucking door, you cunt, before I throw it to the ground" Wow, this girl has quite a character. "Oh, you were asking about the bathroom, right? Well" she points to the left "Your room is the one next to mine right? Well, go three rooms down next to the right there is a hall that gets to a door, go there, oh but be careful if you don't want anyone to see your princess' parts because the bathroom is for both genders" With that she starts banging the door again, I bet this happens to her every single day.

"Thank you, em, what's your name?" I ask.

"Kat, my name is Kat." She smiles but keeps banging the door.

"Ella." I say and turn around to where the girl indicated me.

When I get to the bathroom I'm received my tons of bodies in there, some nakes, some just half naked and if I'm honest it's kind of overwhelming because they all look so used to it but well, I am not. I don't know what to do but I know that if I go away I'll be the freak again, except that this time nobody seems to be looking at me. 

I still wonder how this place was built because there are mirrors and apparently working showers, there is even steam but I think is more from the bodies that are here because this place doesn't really seem to be one to have hot water and now that I remember I don't have any other clothes to put on. 

Idiot, that's what I am.

"Hey, newbie" Lucas put his hand on my shoulder "Are you lost?" I look up to face him and I notice he is only wearing a towel. I shake my head.

"No, I - I don't have a towel and let's not talk about extra clothes." 

"You idiot." He says shaking his head. "You really have no clue how this place works, I would have thought that Ron would have taught you better." He knows my dad.

"You know my dad?" I meant it as a statement but it comes more as a question. He nods.

"Follow me" He turns around and gestures me to follow him and I do, we go back to my room and in the room next to mine Kat is still banging the door. 

"I guess your friend has trouble waking up" I say to her

"I think that bitch is not even here, she would have opened a long time ago, ugh, for any chance, do you have your key there?" She asks me and I shake my head, I didn't even know there where keys.

"I have mine. Here" Lucas says and throws a key he had on his hand to her. "I'll just show this girl where the things are and then you can give it to me." He says, Kat looks at Lucas in awe and nods, she must have a crush on this guy.

I open my door and we enter the room he moves as if he is used to this room, probably all the rooms are the same, he goes next to my bed and pushes the wall and it moves, showing some clothes and a few towels. So, that is where they were, huh.

"Thank you" I say.

"Ella?" Will is waking up and rubs his eyes with his hands. "Oh, hey, who is he, baby?" he asks me, his voice raspy from his sleep.

"Hello." I sit next to him on the bed. "He is Lucas, I did a stupid thing and went to the bathroom without having a towel and clothes but he helped, I met him yesterday, I would have told you but I wanted to hear about your day" I smile "But, um, I thought you knew each other, he talked to me about you yesterday." 

"I haven't talk to him until today." Lucas explains and nods to Will. "Hello, I'm going to go to take my shower now, bye" He says and goes out of the room.

"I want to take a shower too, bye" I kiss Will's forehead and grab a pair of military pants, a white tops, underwear and two towels, obviously white because everything here is white.

 When I enter the bathroom this time at least I'm prepared, I enter the first empty one I find, which I need to say is not an easy task because apparently there are a lot of people living here, now that I think about people where are those douchebags of Richard and Caleb? They must be here, but where?

I take a long time in the showers because it has really been son long since the last time I had a decent bath and when I finally go out I find Kat sitting on a bench next to one of the mirrors, she must have just finished because her hair is wet.

"Hey, Ella." she says and I put my hair on a towel. "You took a long time there, girl" She says her voice is loud but I keep thinking she has beautiful voice.

"I haven't had a decent bath in way too long, what are you doing?"

"I was actually waiting for you, I think that and your boy must need a friend around here as you happen to be new, also you need someone to let you know how things work around here but I am sure they will tell you soon, now come on." She stands up and I follow her. 

"They?" I raise an eyebrow

"You'll see." She says as we get to my room.

They? Who are "They"? 

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