Chapter 8.

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Two weeks has passed since I first did something magical and since that day I've been training with Richard and Caleb, they train us together now,  we did easy spells the first three days then it became a little bit harder.

Richard says that we're powerful but yet I'm more powerful and that kind of stuff; I think that actually Will is more powerful, he's able to do the spells at the first try while I've to try a little bit more. I don't faint which is good but at the same time from time to time I get dizzy but it's easy to ignore, I still don't know why I have that but I guess one day I'm gonna find out.

"You just have to do this spell and then we'll go to where we've to go." Caleb tell us.

They've shown us how to bond in a way we can join our magic and use the other's energy, which is a good way to help yourself to do a spell but at the same time when the other uses the bond it makes you tired.

"The spell you want us to do is extremely difficult, I threw up a lot last time and even Will's nose bleed!" I whine, the spells they've us working today is one to break others spells, according to them it is only difficult the firsts time you do it and that's why we've to use the bond.

They must be joking because this spells is a hell.

It asks for so much of your energy and your body gets extremely tired without mentioning the side effects like nose bleeding, vomit, headache, etc.

"Don't be a little girl and do it." Caleb says, Richard is concetrating himself into the spell we've to break, it's a kind of force field surrounding Will and me and we need to break it, the thing is that besides the spell asking so much about you but also that the oxygens starts being less as the seconds pass and it's not like just on of us is inside but both.

I feel the spell taking form around us, surrounding us, locking us in an invisible bubble. I share a look with Will, we need to start now.

We chant the spell at the same time, the bond helps us to do that in a certain way.

ut aperias, 

Tempus est, 

ut aperias, 

ob eamque rem, non potest cohibere in nobis

If I'm honest I don't really know what we're saying but according to them it's latin a language that humans used to speak a really long time ago. 

We do it again but now we have less air, I can feel the spell going down but it's not good enough, I take Will's hand in mine and we say it louder this time, we open our palms and move them to face the sky and I feel it, my nose starts bleeding this time and less air is getting to my lungs.

Another voice joins us, Richard, he's taking the spell down.

"You failed" He tells us after he has taken it down, I nod, we know it.

"Let us try again, please" Will begs, I'm trying to stop the blood from coming out and he wants to try again, ha, he must want to kill us.

"She's having a bloody nose." Caleb points out

"It's not like it's the first time her nose bleeds besides I know she wants to try again too." He says, what? No!

"Oh em yeah..." I say before I can even think twice about what I'm saying.

"If you're up to it..." Richard says and he starts doing the spell again. 

We start trying to take it down again and this time we try harder, I don't want to be here for another day when we're just a spell away from knowing what brought us here.

This time my muscles ache even more than before, my nose bleeds and I can feel Will's bleeding too I can even feel his ache, he wants to scream and so do I.

But we bring the spell down, somehow we're able to do it, we fall to the ground afterwards but at least we were able of doing it.

Caleb and Richard helps us to stand up.

"Tomorrow at dawn we'll go, we've a map so we can start walking" Richard says

"You're kidding, we're gonna start after dawn, fuck you! Some people like to sleep." Will tells him and he takes my hand and we walk to the river, we need to have a few moments to ourselves and we also need to rest.


A/N: Heeey :D I feel like the chapters are being SO short and I'm so sorry but I'm trying my best at schools and things you probably don't care haha so I won't say more about it but I hope you like the chapters because I'm doing an effort :)

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