Chapter 6.

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Two days have passed since The Incident as I like to call it, The next day I decided I didn't want to even try to do magic.

"Why not?" Caleb had asked me that day.

"I just don't feel like trying today" I answered him.

"Will told me... I think you could do something today" His voice was a mixture of embarrassment with hope.

"Well, not today." I answered him and turned around.

I decided I would just try to train with Richard instead, it has been easier in a certain way.

"Are you sure you want to keep fighting?" He asks me, we're both tired, my muscles are aching but I want to keep training.

We are training body-to-body combat now.

"Yes, but let's take a break, tell me more about the world." I ask him, I love to hear what he knows, my father never really told me a lot about it.

We sit on the grass and he starts talking.

"I don't really know a lot about it, I've already told you I only went to a small civilization once and you know we had books and all but it wasn't like the books at all, the houses where like the ones from there, or the rest of it I should say, but there was no light I think few engineers survive the virus shit or whatever it was and it was dirty, people were just" A chill goes through his body "I think they were sick if I'm honest."

"Was it dangerous? Like people or did they had weapons? I saw in a book once a lot of weapons, guns, and the danger they caused."

"No that I saw but it was, I don't even know why you were looking for it. I think there a lot of people like us, just a family or like three families maybe. It still amazes me that we haven't found other humans."

"I'm afraid that I might be able to defend myself with my body and with the bow but I won't be able to a gun or something worst." I say

"Well, if you went to your magic lessons this wouldn't be a problem. You would be more powerful than any other gun."

"If I had any magic." He takes my arms with his hands.

"Ella! We saw how that place was after we managed to extinguish the fire, you did, you are powerful! You need to accept it!" He lets me go.

"It's weird, I didn't really even tried I'm not even sure if I did that."

"That type of fire, it was a big one as you know and even though Will is learning faster than you, he can't do that." He shakes his head. "He's not that powerful, maybe he will be able after a few more time but not now, I've seen his magic as I'm sure you've-" He stops mid-sentence as he sees me shake my head "You haven't?"

"I get dizzy when he even attempts to do it, I don't know why, the first time I saw you I actually half passed out."

"Weird, so you really haven't seen it?"

"Not like presence him, more like with the clothes and when does little things but yet he's not close to me while doing them" I shrug "I think I'm just really not meant for this"

"You're wrong." He shakes his head. "I think it's because you're not used to magic, what did you felt while the fire thing?"

"When fire came out of my hands?" He nods "I felt... Good, like it was something made for me I was scared at the moment, I think but it felt good."

"See, you're dizzy because you're not used to" He smiles and stands up "I'm gonna see what that dumbass is doing, we can practice later." He stands up.

"Dumbass? Weird way to talk about the one you love" I say smiling, he blushes, shakes his head and walks away.

I stay here for at least half an hour when Will comes to check on me, he just sits next to me and I don't talk, he neither. Since The Incident I've tried to avoid him but it's kind of difficult to avoid the person with whom you sleep every night.

"Would you please say something, anything?" He asks me when the sun is settling down.

"What do you want me to say?"


"I'm not mad at you if that what worries you, I'm not mad at any of you, I just don't understand what happened and before you talk, I don't want to hear that bullshit about me being powerful, I just feel like I need to understand how this thing works by myself, okay?"

"Okay." When the sun is almost completely gone I stand up and I offer him my hand, he takes it.

"I love you, let's go eat some bunnies or something" I say with a smile, it's not his fault after all that I'm not able to do a thing and that when I did I burned many trees and almost burned us alive.

"I love you, please stop being mad." He takes me by my waist and pulls me for a hug, he holds me like that for a while, his head hiding in my coffee reddish hair and I lay my head on his chest, that has more muscles now that we're training for God knows what.


A/N: This chapter is really short and all but I wanted to update and I'm almost sleeping so that's why is shorter than usual /: so anyway! if you like please comment/vote :D but just if you get to read this thank you so fuuucking much, I really appreciate it! :)

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