Chapter 10: Killer party

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Getting out of my 1961 Impala ss, and adjusting the sleeves of my suit jacket for the sixteenth time since they got me in the damn thing. Sighing and walking to the other side of the car i open the door as Maddie steps out i can't help but smile. I signed on as a bodyguard but now i was going the party as her date. Offering her my arm, she slides her arm through mine as i close her door. walking towards the mansion i adjust the tie on my neck again, "stop it, you will look suspicious if you keep fidgeting and adjusting your tie and sleeves" she says looking up and smiling at me. "Maddie, i couldn't even fit my bloody throwing knifes in this thing, how am i supposed to protect you if any assassins show up?" i ask her, "why do you need a throwing knife? You didn't use any weapons in the elevator earlier today, and plus you can summon your rifle you don't actually need to carry it" she says continuing to look straight ahead. "Yes but i had surprise on my side in the elevator, i can't exactly surprise anyone here." i tell her, only slightly annoyed since i knew she was right, doesn't mean i'd tell her that. As we walk to the front door the doorman smiles at us and opens the door, "Good evening Miss Frost" he says as we walk in side. As we step through the door Maddie leads me over to a woman in a fancy suit surrounded on each side by multiple men. "Hi Alice" Maddie says to the women as she turns to us, "Maddie Darling, how lovely it is to see you again" Alice says. As Maddie and Alice talk, i Scan the crowds in the room, spotting Ivy and Jinx off to the side talking with a couple of people from a magazine, looking around i spot Rachel and Kyle out in the middle of the room dancing and laughing together. "They are cute together, Don't you think?" Maddie asks looking at Rachel and Kyle. "yeah they really are, Shall we join them?" i ask offering her my hand and smiling. "Why Algaliarept, i thought you would never ask" she says taking my hand as we dance our way over to Rachel and Kyle. "Did you notice the guys on the roof?" Kyle says to me as we come up beside them, "on the roof? Where?" i ask quickly scanning the ceiling. "Outside the windows they looked like those guys from earlier today" Kyle says "Jinx, Ivy, outside on the roof, check it out" i say as i key open the comlink, turning towards them they nod and head outside. "Jinx and Ivy will check it out, they don't like party's anyways" i say "Al, there's no one up here, wait, Ivy what is that over there by the window?" i hear Jinx ask. "Shit, Al, the doorman is up here" he says. Turning to look to the door i see the doorman standing there, "Jinx that's not possible im looking at the doorman right now." i tell him. "yeah Al im looking at the doorman's dead body right now, his throat was ripped out" he says, looking back at the doorman i study his face carefully, that's when i notice the subtle amber color his eyes have, "Shit, you're right, the doorman's a Shifter" i say into the comlink as the Shifter turns his attention to me. "And i think his friends are onto us" Kyle says, as he does there's a loud bang and Kyle drops to the ground clutching his bleeding shoulder everyone starts to scream, "shit everyone get behind me!" i shout as an invisible dome of magic springs to life around us. Leaning down beside Kyle with Rachel i look at her, "Rachel can you heal it, or at least stop the bleeding to where he can fight if needed?" i ask her. "I can't heal anything here, i don't have any of my herbs" she say. Standing up straight i look around and scan the crowd for the shooters. "Right i see where they are" i say as my rifle appears in my hands, "Maddie, get down and stay low," i say to her as i bring the rifle up and look through the sight, aiming at the closest of the shooter, Dropping my barrier, i pull the trigger, as the shooters head turns into a mist of blood and chunks of skull and brain i throw the barrier back up and turn around repeating this process until all the shooters are dead. Dropping the barrier i pull Kyle to his feet, "Kyle can you walk?" i ask, nodding at me i slip his arm over my shoulders and wrap an arm around his waist to give him extra support, "Madison, stay behind us, Rachel, bring up the rear" i say over my shoulder as i lead them towards the exit. As we step outside i drop my rifle and it dissipates, "you two are riding with us, the Impala is bullet proof" i say, picking Kyle up in both arms as the three of us sprint to the impala, Laying Kyle in the back seat Rachel gets in with him, as Madison and i get into to the car, starting it and gun it out of the parking lot, keying open my comlink and connecting to Destiny. "Destiny, Prep the med-wing, Kyle is hit" i shout into the link before terminating the connection and connecting to the line with Jinx, "Jinx did you and Ivy make it out ok?"i say, "yeah we made it out Al, we are heading back to Frost towers" Jinx says through the comlink. "Alright we will meet you there, Kyle has been hit, he is losing a lot of blood." i say, "shit we are almost to the tower I'll prep Rachel's herbs" he says as the line closes. "Rachel, how's he doing?" i ask as i swerve around a semi, "he's stable, no thanks to your driving" she says. Looking over at Madison i notice she hasn't spoken. Reaching over and putting my hand on hers i smile at her. "Dont worry when Rachel is done, he will be just like new" i say, as the words leave my mouth she leans over and hugs me, as she does i put my arm around her and sigh.

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