1: Truth and trust

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*Jack's P.o.V.*

All the Guardians were gathered around the North Pole but no one knew why, no one but me.
"Calm down," I mutter under my breath,"Just talk with them, not that hard."
"Everything alright, mate?" Bunny asks, seeing my discomfort.
"Ya, at least, I hope it'll be alright." I say unsteadily.
Tooth flies over to put reassuring hand into mine. "Jack, it's ok. You can tell us anything."
"Well, ok then," I fidget around, trying to find the right words, but hiding this so long has taken its toll on me. I end up just saying it. "I-I'm gay." I finally told someone. It feels so good. But I also felt a chill run down my spine.
The silence is broken as Tooth gasps and raises her hands to her mouth.
"Gay?" Bunny almost yells. "You cant be gay, mate."
"Wait, wha-? What do you mean?" I manage to gasp. This was not what I expected.
"Don't make me repeat myself, Frost."
Tooth quickly darts out of the room. I look over at Sandy but he too seems uneasy now.
"Sandy... You too?" I say, feeling betrayed.
Silently, he leaves, going out to comfort Tooth.
Anger welling up inside me, I storm out of the room and make my way to my quarters at North's place. Once I'm outside my room, I hesitate when reaching for the door handle. Where do I belong now, if I'm not with the Guardians? I just stand there, outside my room for a few moments, thinking about their reaction. I knew they wouldn't have been ready.
"Thank you, Jack." I hear a deep voice with a Russian accent say behind me, shaking me from my thoughts. "I'm glad you told us."
I turn to face North, with tears streeming down my face.
"You're not mad?"
"Why would I be? The others just need a little time to let it settle in."
"Thank you, thank you so much." I say as I hug him.
He puts one of his large hands on my back to comfort me. "Don't worry Jack, we will be there for you too. You have a place here so if you ever need some down time, you are always welcome here."
"Thanks a lot North," I say with a rough voice from crying so much, "but I think I need to cool down first."
"Alright Jack, do as you please." North pats me on the shoulder as I head into my room and onto the balcony. That didn't go as well as I had hoped but at least North understands. I open the doors to the balcony and jump off, flying with the wind at my back.

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