6: Stay with me

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*Jamie's P.o.V.*

We got through the morning just fine. Now it's just past 2 and we had some down time, so we sit down on the couch in my living room and start having a nice conversation, but there was still a question in the back of my mind so I decide to ask him.
"You know Jack," I start, "When you asked if I was gay, was that just to make sure we could have a relationship together?"
"Well," he says, obviously thinking over his response, "That was one part, the other was to make sure you were okay with being with a gay person, like me, especially since I love you so much."
"Oh Jack," I say, bringing my hand up to his face, "You're so considerate. I love that about you."
"I glad you think that Jamie," Jack replies, "but not everyone is okay with being with, or even knowing, a gay person."
Jack's clearly upset over something more than just being gay. I want him to feel happy and to enjoy himself. I find myself wanting to be there for him, to be there with, no matter what happens now, but also why he's uneasy.
"Jack, I'm here for you. You're not alone, you have me, and I promise to be by your side."
"Thank you so much Jamie. That means a lot to me."
"If you ever need anything, just ask me and I'll do my best to help."
I bring him into a hug and he buries his face tightly into my right shoulder.
"I'll do anything for you Jack." I whisper into his ear.
"I love you," He mumbles into my shoulder. "I love you so much Jamie."
"You want to talk about it right now?" I ask, seeing if he's doing ok.
"Not now, but sometime later. When it's appropriate." He says, answering my next question.
"Whenever you want to, I'll be there for you. You can count on that."
"You really haven't changed much in the years I haven't been with you."
"I'm just doing what any other lover would do for his sweetheart."
He glances up from our embrace with a silly grin on his face.
"You're so cute," He says while lightly tapping the tip of my nose. "That's why I love you so much."
"And you are too. That's why I love you so much." I reply. "Ever since that first day I saw you, I knew I would want to spend my life in the cool embrace of Jack Frost."
Jack giggles at that and hugs me tighter. "You're even cuter when you talk like that."
"Like what?"
"'In the cool embrace of Jack Frost,'" He mimics.
We both laugh at that and fall onto the couch together, me on top of him.
I decide to get this intimacy between us just a bit more real. I want Jack to know I'm for real about being with him forever.
"Will you, Jack Frost, be my lovely boyfriend?"
He grins and takes my hands in his. They're cold, but not very cold and they grip my hands tightly.
"I do, and will you, Jamie Bennett, be my even lovelier boyfriend?"
I giggle a bit and smile back at him.
"I do."
He pulls me down into a passionate kiss between us. His lips are cool and strong, pushing up against mine. In our mingle, he slips his tongue into my mouth and I let him explore. Wanting this moment to never end we continue to kiss. Our intimacy rises when his tongue wraps around mine, taking hold of the kiss, bringing me on edge, wanting nothing more than him. I just want Jack to stay with me.
Our lips part and I support myself on my elbows above him. We are both spent and gasp for air. We look at each other intensely, making me hard. He giggles a bit and puts his right hand on my hip, drawing me down onto him. Smiles appear on our faces as our hard bulges touch through our pants. I open my mouth to tell him to stay with me, but then Jack says what's on my own mind.
"I just want to stay with you Jamie."
"Me too."
I lie on him for a bit longer, cherishing this wonderful moment between us. Jack finally breaks the silence to get on with the day. After all, it's only just past 2 and we still have the rest of the afternoon and evening.
"Well, I'll get dinner ready."
"I'll help you." I offer.
"It's alright, Jamie. You rest or do your homework. I want to make dinner, for you." Jack says with a sly smile on his (very cute) face.
"Alright then. Do as you please." I finally say, a bit reluctant to leave him.
"See you in about 3 hours." He replies cheerfully while I go back to my room.
I try to do some of my homework, but I can't seem to focus on the work. Jack is all I can think about right now. I decide to leave the work and rest on my bed.
I wonder what Jack's been going through. Must've been rough on him. Well, just gotta be there for him from now on. After all, I love him with all my heart. Forever and ever.
I wake up to an arm in my shoulder. It's Jack, waking because dinner's ready. I didn't intend to fall asleep but I guess I did anyways.
"Hey Jamie," He says quietly, "Dinner's ready. I'll give you time to get ready."
"Thanks." Is all I can reply.
"I hope you like it." Jack says with a smile.
"I'm sure I will."
He leaves and I'm left wondering what he prepared. I wash my hands and my face and head to the dining room. Once I'm there I understand what the whole set up is about.
The lighting is dim and there are candles lit on the table. A white table cloth is laid out with plates of food on the table. Tall glasses of water sit beside out pristine cutlery. It's like we're at a fancy restaurant, and that restaurant is my house.
Jack pulls the chair out for me to sit in. He gestures politely for me to sit. I can't help but smile at the whole arrangement. Once I'm seated, he goes across from me to sit himself down.
"I thought we could have our first date together in your home," Jack explains, "I hope we can enjoy it together."
"Oh Jack," I say with a hint of laughter, "This is wonderful."
He has prepared salmon steaks with mixed vegetables. It is elegantly prepared and it looks delicious. I can't wait to try the food.
Jack notices my hunger and gestures to start eating. I pick up my fork and knife and cut into the salmon. It is very tender with so much flavor from both the fish and the sauces.
"This is amazing!" I say to Jack, "Where did you learn to cook like this?"
"Well, you can't always eat the same thing all the time," He replies, "So I decided to take matters into my own hands when it came to meals."
"Well you certainly know what you're doing."
"It wasn't always like that but thank you."
We chat over our food some more and the night seems to fade away. I'm not sure how long the dinner-date goes on for but it doesn't seem long at all. Jack clears our plates and then brings out dessert for the both of us. It's a chocolate fudge brownie with a scoop of ice cream. Just like the meal, the dessert is perfect.
We finish off the meal and head into my room. I sit in my chair at my desk as Jack sets himself down onto my bed. The night has been wonderful so far and it's still only about 7. We look at each other with love in our eyes, not sure what to talk about. Jack leaves the room to use the bathroom so I recline into my chair waiting for him to return. I want to thank him for the dinner. Also, to spend our time tonight like the date it is.

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