5: Together again

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*Jack's P.o.V.*

It's just me and Jamie in his house. I like it, just the 2 of us. Actually, I love it. Maybe it's my love for Jamie, but I enjoy every single moment spent with him. I never want to leave. I wish we could be together forever.
I lie down on Sophie's bed, looking up at the ceiling. I wonder how Jamie feels about this. I hope he doesn't mind me coming to him in my time of need. I hope I haven't been to selfish.
I drift slowly into sleep, dreaming of Jamie, how he first believed, the look on his face... Jamie...
I love you, Jamie... Zzz
We have our breakfast by 10 and head outside. We go off into the woods behind his house. Close to the middle of the forest, there is a lake. Since it's late into winter, the lake is completely solid, through and through. Part of my doing.
"Hey Jamie," I call.
"Want to skate on the lake?"
"If it's safe enough."
"Oh, come on, you're with me. I can assure you that it's safe."
"Alright then, let me get my skates."
"No need." I say, "I can give you ice skates."
I tap his boots with my staff and right under his feet appear skating blades, made of ice.
"See, I got you covered."
"Thanks Jack."
We get onto the ice and skate lazily in circles around the lake. We're going in opposite directions so we pass pretty frequently. The look on Jamie's face is so cute. It's filled with joy.
I can't help it anymore. Right as we pass each other, I reach out and grab his arm. He's surprised but I don't give him time to react. I pull him closer and grab his waist. He puts his hand in mine and we skate together.
"Jack..." Jamie says quietly. Instead of finishing, he leans in closer to me. I can feel his breath against my face. I can tell he feels nervous.
"Jamie, let me lead." I say to comfort him, "Just follow."
We slide gracefully across the ice, hands linked, facing each other. He relaxes and we do a few rounds of the lake together, ending in the middle.
"Jamie..." I start.
"Jack, what was that?" Jamie interrupts.
"What do you mean?"
"You just took me and started skating with me!" He says, suddenly sounding a bit forceful.
"I... I'm sorry." I say, realizing that It
was too bold of me.
But he surprises me.
"Don't be sorry, Jack. Thank you for that. I really enjoyed it." He says while bringing up his hand to touch my face.
"Jamie..." Tears roll down my cheeks. "How can I thank you enough for what a great friend you are to me?"
"Just stay with me, Jack."
"Of course, Jamie."
I kiss his forehead, then he pulls me closer. Our eyes lock together for a brief second before I feel something on my lips. I close my eyes, welcoming the kiss, cherishing this moment with Jamie.
Our lips part, but we're still holding each other's hands.
"I love you, Jack."
"You mean you're okay with 2 guys loving each other?"
"I-I mean, sure. Love is love, right?"
"Well, that's good. I love you too, Jamie."
We get off the lake and make our way back to Jamie's house, holding hands all the way.

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