8: Sweethearts

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*Jamie's P.o.V.*

Warm, soft light is streaming through the slits in the curtains, waking us up. Jack has his arm around me when I wake up. It feels very comforting, knowing he's close to me. I turn to face him and our eyes meet. He brings his hand up to my neck, his fingers lightly brushing my chin.
"Good morning Sweetie," He says.
"Good morning Babe," I reply, as I smile at the sweet words.
"You slept well, I take it."
"Of course, because you're here."
"Heh, you're so cute Jamie."
"And you're even cuter Jack."
He smiles and leans forwards, our foreheads touching. I smile too, knowing that we can spend another day together, spending another day with my sweetheart.
Jack hugs me under the blanket, feeling his cool body against mine. His embrace sends a delightful shiver through me. I love being with Jack. He makes me feel important, important to him, because he loves me and I love him. Even if we are different, him being a frosty Guardian and me being a warm human, at least we can share moments together.
I just remember, as we cuddle, that we are both shirtless, hugging each other close together under the covers. I can feels his firm chest against mine and the curves of his body. I feel myself getting hard and immediately start blushing. I see cheeks getting rosy too and know that we feel the same. I bring Jack into a quick, light kiss as our bulges touch beneath our pants.
"What should we do today?" I ask, half expecting an answer.
"We could go out," Jack replies, "Or do something else outside."
"Well then, maybe somewhere a bit more private, since not everyone can see you."
"Makes sense. Ya, no problem."
"Heehee, thanks Babe."
"Anything for you, Sweetie."
I can't help it, I peck him on the lips. We both sit up and I hop over to my dresser and pull out a fresh t-shirts and a sweater. I toss Jack one of the shirts and he catches it, bring it up to his face and smelling it.
"It smells so much like you." Jack says, muffled by the shirt.
"Heh, cutie, that's because it's mine," I walk over to him, pulling the shirt over my head.
I walk over to the chair at my desk to get Jack's frosty blue sweater.
"This one smells like my lovely Guardian and boyfriend," I jokingly say as I sniff Jack's sweater, "But it could really use a wash."
"Oh come on," Jack complains, "That's my only sweater."
"You can wear it today but then it's getting washed," I reply, "You can wear my sweaters too."
"Alright fine, have it your way."
"Please Jack, it's been like what, over 300 years since you've had it washed? Might as well wash it at least once by now."
"Fair enough."
"Plus, then you're sweater will start smelling like me."
"Heh, your so cute Jamie."
He puts on the shirt and pulls his sweater over his head. I put on my own sweater and we head downstairs to have some breakfast. I get myself some toast but Jack doesn't bother to eat.
"Not going to have anything?" I ask.
"No, I don't need to eat. Food's nice and all but not necessary for me." He explains.
"Ok, up to you, but I still need to get something in me for the start pf the day." I say as I smile.
"We're in no rush. Plus I have a plan for where we can go and what we can do."
"Oh really? How exciting." I say.
I put on my jacket and we head outside. Jack leads me by the hand around the neighborhood to a large forest that was considered the edge of Burgess. We are just outside the forest now and Jack seems really excited, he's picking up his pace too.
"Come on Jamie," He says, with a lot of enthusiasm.
He nearly breaks out into a run, still holding me by the hand.
"Woah, Jack slow down a bit." I say, trying to understand what the rush is about.
But he keeps going, rather quickly. I do my best to keep up, swerving around trees on the icy ground. By the time we get to a large clearing in the forest, I am sweating hard and take off my jacket because I'm so hot. I hang it on low branch that's nearby. Jack comes and takes me by the hand, pulls me close and hugs me. I wrap my arms around him to return the hug.
"Thank you," He says, "For everything you've done for me. Your all I need right now and I couldn't be happier than to spend my time with you. I love you so much Jamie."
"Oh Jack," I say in reply, "I'm just as happy to be with you. You fill me and always make me feel special and happy. I love you too Jack."
We stay together for a while, feeling the cool breeze flow around us. He kisses me and I return it in full. Being with him makes me forget all the hard things happening in my life.
"I think we should head home. I need to take a shower," I say, distractedly.
"Sure thing. Mind if we share the shower?" Jack asks.
"Oh my! Jack!!!"
"What?" He sounds genuinely confused.
"How dirty." I say with a sly smile. "But sure, we can share."
"Heh, thanks Jamie."
We head off back home, leaving the clearing behind, but I know we'll be returning sometime in the future.

A/N: Thanks for getting this far!!! The story's still going on but it will take a while, I'm running out of ideas and I'm pretty busy... I have an idea on how it can go so I hope I can finish this soon! Keep reading ;)

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