Chapter One

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AN- sudden writing inspiration BTW after half a year lol

The rays of light peeking through his blinds woke the sleeping country slowly- wincing as sunlight was directly pointing straight onto his eyes, and laid there, not wanting to get up from the comfort of his bed, and shifted to a more comfortable position and tried to fall back asleep- but even if he was tired as hell, Alfred wasn't able to rest. Though that didn't stop him to wait an extra hour of just laying there before deciding to scroll through Instagram to do something other then stay in his thoughts. He scrolled through countless things- reels, random ads and his friends posts and memes- he chuckled a bit before deciding to get up and reach for his Nintendo switch, and sighed remembering he left it downstairs. Wanted to play some Mario kart and curse at whenever he got blue-shelled, and it was a nice distraction.

Alfred was a Debby downer recently, he figured that out- being happy and hyper one second and his feeling terrible and wanting to vomit the next. It sucked- he  just wanted it to be the early 2010's again, he was happy then- a simpler time as well. Besides with everything happening in the world and complications between countries stressed him the hell out- making him worse. Alfred shuffled out of bed, wrapping a blanket around him, his bare chest developing goosebumps due to the chill air as he made his way downstairs. The wooden floors creaked as he made his way to his living room- being downstairs, This house being much smaller then his other ones, but him enjoying it nonetheless. Well it wasn't small- it had two floors an attic and a basement, a regular home in upstate new York in long island- loving the silence of the town and nature surroundings.

Alfred tried his best not to trip over his blanket as he reached for his switch on his coffee table, and leaned back to play. He put some TV as background noise, paying no attention to it as he raged in online Mario kart- and was having, a surprisingly good time until he heard his stomach rumble in hunger., hungry already? What time was it anyways- he leaned over to check the clock on his stove- ah- two twenty three. Made a bit if sense actually. Maybe he could eat some cereal- no,,no. Alfred told himself he was going to try to eat less for a week, and wasn't too hungry anyways.. a lie, an obvious one as his stomach twisted in pain begging for food- but he refused. He had that much self control at least. Maybe,,maybe he could eat at six or something- besides, it would be easier for him to eat later and be full for some hours and deal with the hunger, right? Alfred sighed, and ignored the hunger pains, them going away quickly after. He continued to play games on his switch, even if his mood was killed until he heard sudden ringing of the doorbell and loud knocks- which jolted him out of his focus- making him go to first place to fifth. Ugh,,probably the mailman or something, so he ignored it until the knocking and oh so familiar screaming became unbearable. He walked up to door annoyed, and leaned his head against the cold white wooden door and spoke out a muffled,"who's there!" And awaited their response.

Arthur had been beyond annoyed- even getting angry as the resident of the house wouldn't open the door, making him worry that he got the wrong house for a moment, but was quickly proven wrong by the quiet words spoken on the other side of the door. "Arthur Kirkland is there! Who else would be, now could you open this door!" Arthur barked, and rushed inside past a shocked and confused Alfred as he put his luggage down, his arms aching in pain as he stretched them out and wiggled his fingers.

"Finally! I was knocking for what felt like hours! Don't you know how to open a door?" The British man infront of him said to Alfred, who was surprised and put off by his arrival. "W-why are you here anyways!? Y-your not the type to make sudden visits," he huffed and closed the door and locked it, sliding it across. "Huh? I told you I was coming didn't I?" Arthur asked of him, to which Alfred knitted his eyebrows up in confusion as he retreated back to the couch. "Not that I know of," Alfred responded, picking up his game, to which he lost,, "I called you last week? I told you I was staying over for the month for the meeting,," Arthur said behind him, making his way to Alfred and sitting next to him, to which the country leaned closer to- though hoping Arthur wouldn't notice,,wanted his warmth.

Alfred thought about it, and suddenly remembered the short phone call to which he just said yes too and didn't pay attention, as he was in the middle of a game. "Ah,,maybe actually, though I thought the meeting was next month,,?" Alfred said, and shut his switch off, not feeling like playing anymore. Arthur shook his head at the question and opened his mouth to respond as  he took his gloves off and placing them on the table. "No, they rescheduled remember? Most countries couldn't make it to the date, and work and world affairs, so we decided to hold it early. I thought Matthew told you,,? Ah, no matter, nothing to be done about it." Arthur informed him, and paused and put one leg over the other, and stared at Alfred for a bit before turning red and looking away. "H-how indecent! D-do you not have a shirt on, or is that my imagination tricking me-!" Arthur pointed out- to which Alfred hurriedly covered up the open spots with his blanket to which you can see his chest. Embarassed,,he stood up and stood behind the couch, hoping Arthur didn't see his stretch marks or anything. "W-why are you staring! Y-you didn't see anything,,right?" Alfred asked, a bit worried and embarassed,,God he hoped not- Alfred hadn't even showered, how gross of him.

"H-hah? How could I not- your right in front of me-! A-and no,,just skin,,p,put on some clothes already!" Arthur said, and looked away from America, hiding his face with his hand, but peeking through the holes of his fingers as the American ran up upstairs to change. Arthur breathed out of relief, getting out of that situation quickly, and leaned against the couch, and yawned. He should be unpacking his things, though he didn't know if Alfred had a guest room- a small house indeed for a country like him. Arthur sighed, and hurriedly took off his slacks as he went to lay down on alfreds couch, resting his eyes,,full of alfreds scent- as weird as that is, it helped him calm down and was comfortable, compared to the airplane ride,,and waited for the American to change, and heard a shower running upstairs, guess hell be waiting for longer.

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