Part Otto

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            Americas P.O.V- Also, a doodle of England I did for the chapter.
          England gets ready thirty minutes later and we head to my backyard.It was a large yard with grass and stones  scattered all over.Their were ten tree's in the yard.They were quite old as well.The oldest tree was in their 120's.Though,
America and England were older.They were covered in snow,and Iggy's assumption of they're being a couple inches of snow was correct.There will probably be more since it was still snowing.And it was terribly freezing cold outside."Ah,we definitely don't get this much snow back in the U.K."He states.I go between two trees and slide down sitting on them.I already feel a bit weak.I never knew I could be that fat to feel that tired that quickly.Maybe not having enough sleep took its toll as well.After a minute or so of silence Arthur blurts out,"Want  to build a,uh,snowman?"It was unusual for him to ask a childish thing to me though I agree.We roll up a massive ball somehow as the base and continue from there.Maybe I should've worn gloves."Do you need gloves?"Bushy bro-I mean-Artie asks." Isn't that obvious!?My hands are going to turn to ice and fall off!"I sharply reply."I hope they fall off".I feel hurt by this.I don't know why though."You're do mean Artie!" "My names Arthur. A.R.T.H.U.R!"I chuckle at this."here".He throws his green gloves at my face,harshly.I become flustered."Thanks Iggy".He mumbles a "Your welcome" and continues to make the snowman.We are up to the details on the face,so we used dark stones as the eyes and smile.Arthur goes back inside and gets a carrot for the nose.We find broken sticks,so we use it as the arms.The perfect snowman.Im pretty sure England thinks it's utter perfection too.

Though,I'm freezing cold to love it fully.
        We take a picture of our accomplishment and make snow angels.I had a good time,and the snow was 4 inches.That will be a pain to shovel.I sigh and go back inside with Britain.

An-Woah a extra chapter and maybe more since I feel really motivated !

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