Part 2

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AN- im back baby and i leave this to rot for a couple more months after this un til i rewrite the 3rd chapter also this thing has been a thing for 3 years now, yay? i swear this fandom will keep me here until death comes upon me. and happy late halloween. Also the chapter before this was irrelevant so i unpublished it, so the chapters may not line up now, sorry.

Warning - triggering anorexia things here, language.

After Alfred helped Arthur get all his things inside, which was a lot, he decided to finally get some rest. Once he laid down onto the bed and closed his eyes, Alfred fell asleep.


The darkness of the room was the first thing he saw when he woke up, and then the sound of voices. There were mumbling at first, and it was hard to make out what they were saying. To say that Alfred wasn't scared by now was a lie.

Shortly after, figures appeared, they had no nose or ears, just a mouth and two piercing eyes.They were the ones talking, and slowly, they raised their voices.

"Ugly" "Fatass" "Fucking Pig"

They keep spouting out words that were true. That he didn't want to believe, but couldn't deny it. They surrond him at this point, and he starts to shake- It felt like they were screaming in his ears now.

"Stop it," The figures kept on going, their tone of voices getting more disgusted the closer they come and see me. Looking at every detail of him.

"Get away from me, GET AWAY!" They did the opposite, It felt like this was went on for hours, and would go on to even more.


Alfred woke up with a jolt, sweating. He tried to calm himself down, and wiped his face, and just now noticing the tears falling down his face. Oh god, the world meeting is tommorow too. What will they think of how much he changed? They'll be disgusted, like figures in his dreams.

After a while of being consumed in his thoughts, Alfred clambers out of bed and headed into the living room, where a certain Birish man is located, reading some old piece of literature.

"So the sleeping beauty finnally decided to wake up?"

"Good morning to you too." Arthur looks at me for a moment, then back to his book. He takes a seat next to Arthur.

"Are you alright?" The Blonde asks out of the blue. Alfred looks to Arthur confused.


"You're pale, and sweating a bit. Did you get a fever?" Arthur reaches his hand out to feel my tempture, but I push his hand away.

"No, no, I'm fine."

"..Are you sure?" He nods to reassure Arthur. Arthur looks at me for a few more moments, a bit concerned, before going back to reading. 

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