Part 13

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Start writing your story

AN- HELLO GUYS,so.I haven't updated in months.I just had no motivation these past few months.I didn't know how to continue it or where it was heading.Though i did not want to discontinue a story ive been working on a year,and so many people have read this bad story for some reason I came up with on a whim haha-dont worry lads,I will not discontinue this story no matter what-well unless something really bad happens to me-lets hope that dosent happen.Ive been also focusing on school and  art recently,though it dosen't excuse the really late updates-So,ONWARD TO THE ANGST!

America's POV-

        I finish almost all of my work in a span of 3 hours and something minutes.I have to admit,my hand-writing is really sloppy.Hopefully I wont get in trouble.My eyelids feel heavy,I should get some sleep,I guess I'll have something to drink too.I walk down to the kitchen and get a water bottle out of the fridge and go back to my room upstairs.I take two huge gulps and set it down to my desktop."Oh shiitake mushrooms"I ended up dropping it and spilling it on the floor.Should I clean it up?Nah,I'll deal with it later.I drop down on my bed.Sooner or later I fall asleep.


        'Though this is madness,yet there is method in't'.Was the last sentence I read until my phone started ringing interrupting me.I reach over to my left to pick up my phone to see the person caller ID,and to see if I should ignore it.Its from Matthew;I decide to take it.

"Hello Matthew.What are you calling for?"

It takes a moment for the other side to reply.

"Hi Arthur,I just wanted to talk about Alfred,I'm just worried about him,I may be a bit paranoid but,He barely comes out of his house and hasn't been to the world meetings lately.Sorry if I'm rambling,I'm just really worried about Alfred y'know."

When he finished talking,I did realize that Alfred was skipping world meeting and etc.He also never ate while I was visiting.Not even a nibble of food.I told him these and how I also,was starting to get worried about him.We ended up agreeing about visiting him and asking why he was behaving so weird.He usually loved going to meetings and showing off his,rather stupid to be honest,but cute ideas.We ended the call twenty minutes later.The more I though about his actions the more concerned I got.I decided to go online and purchase tickets on the day we were to go to the states.After that gotten sorted out,I return to reading Hamlet.It was one of my favorite plays.'Bravery is the soul of the wit'.


           It was finally the day where we went to the states.When I got out and got my luggage,I was unbelievably tired.After a while of confusing texts of where each other were and wrong directions,I finally met up with Canada."Its nice to see you again"I say to him."its nice too see you again too,well,there's uber outside to drive us"he responded."Let us get going then"And with that,we made it outside and got in the uber.The driver,dropped us off right by the USA'S house.I dust my self off and knock on the door.No response.I knock again.No response.I knock again and again but still no american opening the door."I wonder whats taking him so long?"I say to Matthew."Maybes he's asleep or in the shower?"We wait their for another ten minutes."Alright,were going through the window."After some tries we open the window and make ourselves in.We look for him on the first floor,and whens he's not there,we look for him upstairs."Alfred its Arthur and Me,where are you?"There's no response again.I end up looking in the bathroom.I open it with ease,and was terrified with what I saw.

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