So I'm going on hiatus.
I don't want to type out my explanation again, so here are my reason copied and pasted from WA:***
One, finals start for me next week. I'm only in middle school, so they're not your typical definition of finals, but they do count for a large portion of my grade in several classes. I need to focus on those right now.
Two, I have an animation due for computers in a week. Animation takes a long time, and this particular one counts for 50% of my overall grade, so I need to do well on it.
Three, my art teacher recently requested I draw something for a school event. As this will help my grade, I'm prioritizing it.
And four, today I got word from my art teacher that a local coffee shop wants to showcase my art. I have to complete 15 original pieces in a short timeframe for the showcase, which limits how much time I can set aside for owed and personal art. If I can get this art done, it will be put up in the shop and I may have the opportunity to sell it while it's there. As a small artist, this is a huge and exciting opportunity for me that I want to take advantage of.
So I'll be leaving for a bit. You can still reach me over PM if you have a problem with this. I'm sure we'll be able to figure it out ^^
So anyway, you won't be seeing art from me for a little while. I'm p sure you don't really care, but I figured you deserved a little heads-up at least.