Save Me

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The post concert depression hit you hard. In fact, it hit you so hard that you couldn't go to school the next day. You stayed home, curled up in a ball on your bed for hours until you finally decided you needed to get up and do something. And that meant getting up, find something to eat, then lay back down. You knew that since you had stayed home your parents were expecting you to do a deep cleaning of the house but at the moment you had a hard time functioning. 

It took a lot of effort to get up and go downstairs. The first place you went was the kitchen but nothing seemed to sound appetizing. Except maybe a Pop-tart. But you hadn't touched a Pop-Tart since that one time you set one on fire. It was a traumatizing experience because not only did you set the Pop-Tart on fire but you also set your friends' ponytail on fire. You had told that to Namjoon once and he had just laughed at you for five minutes straight. For once in his life someone was more destructive than he was. 

Wait. Hold on. There was no way you could have told Namjoon that. You had no idea why you thought you had. What a strange thing to think. You shrugged it off, dismissing it. You were just too obsessed with him. Oh well, what could you do? It's not like being obsessed with him was a bad thing. That is, as long as you didn't get too crazy, but you had a head on your shoulders and you could tell right from wrong. If you ever saw him in public you would give him his space instead of approaching him or running towards him. You didn't want to be that fan. 

Sighing, you grab a granola bar and walk into the living room to turn on the TV. The first thing you do is you turn on music but you soon realize how big of a mistake that was as the first song to play was "I Need U". You burst out into tears, still extremely emotional from the fact that less than twelve hours ago you were in their presence, less than twenty feet away from them.

You fell to the floor, dropping the half eaten granola bar as you did so. Emotions coursed through your veins and you couldn't stop them. You felt everything from sadness to joy to emptiness. Surprisingly enough, the emptiness overpowered the other emotions. That's to be expected after a concert though. At least that's what you've from others. 


Kim Namjoon never thought he'd see himself standing in front of him. And he never expected that this version of him was from some other world. To keep things simple, the two decided that the Namjoon from this world would be referred to as Rap Monster and the Namjoon from the other world would be referred to as Namjoon. 

Rap Monster had just wanted to wprk on music for a little bit then sleep. After two concerts two days in a row plus the jet lag, relaxing sounded like a pleasant idea. But then Namjoon showed up and now he's wide awake and he has never been more confused in his entire life. Namjoon was an exact replica of him right down to the dimples. 

Rap Monster had been ready to call for security but something compelled him to listen to what Namjoon had to say first. The other thing that kept him from calling security was that he knew things would go bad if they saw this doppelganger.

Namjoon had explained to Rap Monster how he traveled across multiple universes to get to this world. He was looking for someone and that someone was you. Rap Monster was then told that this world had been tampered with by a group of people who hated love. That attraction Rap Monster felt towards you at the concert was no coincidence. An alternate version of you and him were supposed to get together later in the future but fate had been messed with.

Rap Monster agreed to help Namjoon find you but they had no idea where they could start. Namjoon knew that this was where you were. He could feel it inside him. He didn't feel as empty as before. It saddened him to know that you couldn't feel the same as he did as your magic had been taken from you. 

Namjoon remembered that day clearly. He couldn't do anything as he watched you writhe in pain. He shuttered and pushed back the memory. 

Rap Monster had a rather hard time explaining the whole situation to the boys. They thought he had gone crazy and it didn't help that Namjoon had suddenly disappeared. Before they retired to bed they told Rap Monster to sleep and that they'd have a discussion in the morning. Defeated, he returned to his room and looked around everywhere trying to find Namjoon. But alas, no trace of him was anywhere. Maybe he's just dreaming. Or hallucinating. Either way he was too tired and confused to care. He climbed into bed and turned off the bedside lamp, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Namjoon not being able to use any enchantments in this world was a major set back. It made finding you a billion times harder. Then again, if he used any kind of sorcery he would be found and that would put you in danger. People were already trying to find you and he had to be the first. Since you were not who you really were, you couldn't properly defend yourself. Namjoon sighed and started his search for you.


You laid on the floor for who knows how long. You couldn't stop crying and that feeling was still there no matter what you did. You ended up falling asleep curled up in a ball.

You could hear someone screaming your name. It was a male voice but it sounded distant. Slowly, your eyes opened and you found yourself staring at a white ceiling. You were strapped to a table, unable to move. You felt a sudden sharp pain in your side, making you scream. You tried to look down to see what the cause of the pain was but someone was holding you back.

"Y/N!" The voice was clearer now. "Y/N, please!" Whoever it was sounded distressed. 

You tried to say something in reply but the words caught in your throat. You wanted to soothe the man calling your name. 

"Take me instead!" you heard him shout, "Please! Don't do this to her!" 

You stared up at the ceiling, listening to the screaming man. You weren't moving. What was the point in trying to if nothing would work? Suddenly a face appeared above yours. It was a young woman. Her dark hair was tied up in a bun and she wore no makeup. She gave you a sinister smile before you felt a small stab in your arm.

"No! No! Y/N I lo-"

You woke with a gasp. Sitting up you looked around to find that you were home, safe and sound. That pain in your arm was still there and you looked down to see a small scar. Had that always been there? You couldn't remember. Maybe you should start looking at yourself more closely in the mirror. 

It frightened you how that scar seemed to appear out of no where. You jumped when your dog began running towards you while barking. You were prepared to stop the dog but he ran past you and started barking at the wall.

That was the last straw for you. You needed to talk to someone. Lucky for you your friend Paris was calling you. You picked up the phone, feeling relieved when you heard your friend's voice. You could've sworn you saw a figure in the corner of your eye but you did your best to dismiss it. You were already scared and didn't want to freak yourself out anymore. 

Silently, you prayed to whatever god there was that you would be safe. That someone would come home soon so you would no longer be alone.

You needed someone to save you. You didn't care who as long as they made you feel better. You sighed as you listened to your friend cry about the concert last night. You ended up crying with her. At least this helped you take your mind off things.

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