What Am I to You?

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"What are you doing here?" you asked, setting your coffee cup on the table and placing your hands in your lap. You had a sudden loss of appetite.

"I saw you walk in and I need to talk to you." He answered, surveying your movements.

"Look, I love you, I do, I've idolized you for awhile now but it's just really strange for you to just come up to me and act like we've been in a relationship." You told him, getting straight to the point.

Namjoon's eyes flickered when you spoke, to hear you say you loved him...it gave him hope. But that hope was soon gone when you realized that you thought he was the idol Rap Monster and not the normal Kim Namjoon. He sighed. "Y/N," the way he spoke your name made your heart skip a beat "I need you to understand that I am not who you think I am."

You raised an eyebrow at that "And what is that supposed to mean exactly?" you pondered aloud. A shiver ran down your spine, making you twist in your seat in discomfort. This movement didn't go unnoticed by Namjoon.

"Maybe it'd be better if we were to go some place else..." He said, looking around the coffee shop. He felt something in the air change; he could sense an evil presence nearby.

You looked down at your cellphone "Actually, it'd probably be better if I get going." You stated as you stood. But before you could take a step Namjoon grabbed your wrist. As soon as his skin made contact with yours the breath was knocked out of your lungs and your vision went black.

The sound of crashing waves could be heard as you opened your eyes. You could feel the grains of sand underneath your feet as you walked hand in hand with Namjoon. You looked up at his face and squeezed his hand, causing him to look down at you and quirk an eyebrow.

"I love you." You breathed out, a smile dancing on your lips. The sun was setting and Namjoon could swear he saw the stars in your eyes.

That dimpled smile you loved so much appeared on his face instantaneously and he stopped walking to turn to you. He let go of your hand to instead place them on your cheeks. He took a deep breath and stared into your eyes. The intensity of his gaze caused you to faintly blush.

The two of you stood like that for a few minutes, just staring into each others eyes while the sun slowly fell below the horizon. His thumbs gently rubbed circles into your cheeks "Y/N.." he whispered, slowly leaning down. He stopped just before your lips touched, "I just want to be with you forever." He closed the minuscule distance between your lips and kissed you.

When he pulled away, he took your hands in his and knelt down. Your heart swelled as he opened his mouth to speak.

You gasped as you came back to reality. You were sitting in the chair again, no longer standing. Namjoon had his hands on your cheeks, worry evident on his features. "Y/N," he said your name softly, "what happened?"

As you stared at him you felt tears well up in your eyes. As a tear fell down your cheek, Namjoon tenderly wiped it away. After taking a deep breath you spoke "are...are we engaged?" you asked softly. That flashback had triggered something within you. Namjoon's hands on your cheeks felt familiar despite the fact that this was the first time he held you like this.

Namjoon chuckled at that and nodded "Yes. We have been for about a year," he answered.

He was going to continue talking but someone interrupted him "Y/N!" they called. You looked up to see who had called your name and was surprised to see who it was.

"Frank?" You asked.

Namjoon's hands dropped from your face and he quickly turned around to look at Frank. His whole demeanor seemed to have changed. He glared at Frank, standing in front of you to block you from Frank's view; his hands balled into fists by his side. He was taller than Frank and undeniably more intimidating, which gave him an advantage.

Frank stared back at Namjoon "Fancy seeing you here," he said "I thought this place would be impossible to find..."

Namjoon had to hold himself back from punching Frank. This was the man who had taken you from him. If you weren't in public Frank would already be on the ground. "Did you really think I wouldn't find her?" Namjoon asked calmly, raising an eyebrow.

"Frank what are you doing here? How did you find me?" You asked as you tried to see around Namjoon.

"Well your pictures were all over the internet. How could I not know where to find you? You disappeared and didn't tell me where you were going. I was worried sick!" he told you, moving so he could see you. "Y/N is this man giving you trouble? Do you know who he is? He's dangerous."

You stared at Frank "I know who he is," you said simply. Frank was giving off a strange aura that was starting to scare you. Namjoon was close enough to you that you could reach out and grab the back of his shirt so that's what you did. Namjoon felt this and he couldn't help but smile. He knew that as of right now you were safe. Frank wouldn't attempt anything out in the open.

"Then you should know that he is dangerous. Don't believe a word he says. Everything he says is a lie" Frank said to you. Somehow you doubted Frank's words. You weren't sure what was going on but you felt safer with Namjoon than you did with Frank.

"I'm right here you know" Namjoon did a little wave, successfully getting Frank's attention back on him. "Now, I think you should leave before you do something you'll regret"

Frank huffed and glared daggers at Namjoon. You were sure that if looks could kill then Namjoon would be dead "Y/N will you come with me?" He asked.

Shaking your head, your grip on Namjoon's shirt tightened "I'd rather stay here" you replied.

Frank rolled his eyes and muttered "Fine, be that way bitch." He turned around and left the cafe. You didn't hear what he had said about you but Namjoon did. The only thing stopping him from going after Frank was your hand on his shirt.

As soon as Frank was out of his sight, Namjoon let his shoulders slump and he turned around to look at you. The serious look hadn't left his face but he was more relaxed now. "How long have you known Frank?" he asked.

You shrugged "Two years I think? Or maybe three. We met in school..." you replied. "He's not normally like that. He's usually very pleasant to be around..." you trailed off as you looked into Namjoon's eyes. They were dark and nothing like they had been ten minutes ago.

"Y/N, Frank has been lying to you. He's not who you think he is." Namjoon said. You weren't sure what he meant. Frank was kind. Sure he had his strange moments but he was sweet.

Namjoon ran a hand through his hair and sighed "I know you have a lot of questions but I can't answer them until we get out of here," He spoke "can I take you somewhere?"

Giving him your hand, you nodded. Leaving behind your forgotten food, you followed Namjoon out of the cafe.

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