Extended Summary

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Imagine a world full of flesh eating, infected corpses. Where the government system is collapsed, society is no longer existent and shelter is hard to keep for yourself without getting killed. Everything that once was valuable is either torn apart, garbage, or buried somewhere too hard to find. Everyone you meet will either try to kill you, or die once you start caring for them.

For some, they don't need to imagine, because this is just the reality.

Carl Grimes, aged 14. He had a big group with him, but now he only has two people left - that he knows of. Rick, his father, and Michonne, the most badass woman he's ever met.

Ellie Williams, aged 15. She's lost everyone she's ever cared about, except for Joel and people she met along the way. Joel's been with her through thick and thin. He's her fatherly figure, and he will stop at nothing to keep her safe.

Ellie and Carl meet, and getting to know each other they realize that they're complete opposites, yet in so many ways, they're the same. They bond and go through rough patches, but a friendly relationship buds out of the time they've spent with one another. Love isn't something they're hoping for, because they both know that if something happened they couldn't live with themselves. They've seen many people that they know get torn apart without the company of their partner, and they don't want to live with that feeling. But when a near death experience happens, they lose their minds over one simple question. 'Is love really worth it?'

When these two groups find each other, they've got no other choice but to trust one another in order to get out of a tangled mess. But with two completely different males who have been used to the leadership position, how will these groups get along? Will Rick and Joel set aside their differences for the better of the group? Or will they let pride and power deceive them, ruining every possible chance of survival they have?

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