Chapter Twelve: Night in the Life of a Vampire

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You look so irresistible like this, so lovely in your sleep. Oh, the things I would do, the things I have refrained from trying. Strong-willed beauty of my thirst's desire, let me be quenched by you. Let me see your soul as I have seen countless others. Your silken brown locks so precious to me, are they. Your eyes, oh, such peculiar eyes, the color of polished summer chestnuts, and such smooth pastel lips and skin. Such warm fair skin, warm from the heat of passion for those you hold close. I admire you so. How do I not? Let me have you, let me have you. Let me hear you moan as my mouth brings forth your liquid life. Let me hear you whisper your death threats and your empty promises, I shall laugh. Elijah. Oh, wherefore art thou, Elijah Marks.

His eyes opened to the darkness. Every night since two and half weeks prior, in that night in the garden, the vampire had the same dream. It was Elijah Marks and his blood. The young man loathed him and while the vampire found the lad handsome, he wasn't too fond of his behavior. What did he want? His own blood was betraying him and he didn't even want to accept it. It wouldn't be a betrayal if he did. The vampire smiled pushing back the lid of his casket. He smiled because he knew Elijah Marks was wondering about him and where he's been all this time. He knew this.

He slept in a coffin in the basement cellar surrounded by untouched wine barrels and beautifully handcrafted bottles. His only light was a torch on the wall. How medieval, he thought. A large spider hung from a thread of web above his head. He never liked spiders, but he understood their purpose. They would be killed on sight if he saw them, although he felt generous tonight. He reached up with his hand and let the bug crawl around on his hand. He clicked his tongue at it, standing from his resting space. The ripped black tunic on his person bellowed outward of his figure. He rose from the ground, just slightly. He flew towards the stairs, letting his foot touch the third from the floor.

The pitter-patter did on his feet did not go unnoticed by the fat cat waiting for him. Fat indeed, and with green eyes specked in yellow with an odd sounding meow. He shook the spider away and reached down to run his fingers over the cream sickle colored feline, whose paws resembled white stockings. The vampire found himself enjoying the cat's company. He knew souls, and surprisingly, even animals could be old souls. He scooped the heavy cat into his arms, carrying it like an infant around the house. "Gluttony suits only you, my feline companion. While in my travels I shall fetch you your meal, stop with your constant moaning and begging."

Absent-mindedly, the vampire did scratch its short haired head while heading for the upstairs master bedroom where he hid expensive clothing that he'd stolen from victims. He decided if he was to go into town, he might as well look presentable. He set the cat down and paid no more attention to it as it followed him to the front door.

Evening warmth rushed over the vampire's body. The harshness of the wind stunned him. Had I been born a waif, small, and as frail as my body appears, I might have toppled over, he thought with a laugh. The laugh rang out on the empty street on which he lived. It was still light, not dark enough to make use of the street lamps but light enough that most of those with common sense would be indoors. Summer meant long days and short nights. The vampire knew he had less time to do what he needed to do.

He passed the exquisite Snow Estate at the front of the lovely neighborhood street, staring at the plain elegance. It wasn't truly the brick outside of the mansion that was rich. The vampire had seen richer homes, but it was the landscaping and the household appliances that breathed life into the house. The backyard maze and garden was a favorite place of rest for the vampire, now- a brief stop from a long travel by his small bat wings. It was there he would watch the various members of the house.

He listened closely to the patriarch with his books and his company's work propositions. He saw him the least. He watched the beautiful red-haired woman, Irina, with the reading habit she exhibited from her father. He adored her handcrafted dresses and her complete innocence. Finally, he spied with excitement the young, and curious Elijah Marks for who he learned was engaged to the bright Irina. Elijah sat for long hours in the swing to reflect on his life with a solemn look on his face, but he simply lifted at his lover's presence.

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