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| 08: Stealing Tires Off The Batmobile |

Anjo had seen it all; deranged clowns, plant controlling seductresses, even a man infatuated with making 'toys'- take that any way you want- but this.. this takes the cake.

"Should I be stopping this?" Anjo muttered, blinking in slight disbelief as he watched the young 'preteen' successfully remove yet another one of the batmobiles tires. He pondered a moment, before releasing a long drawn out sigh. "It's only the right thing to do.." And with that, he gently lowered himself to the alleyway floors, dropping behind the other oblivious boy.

And he hadn't a clue how to catch their attention as they continued ripping apart the obviously expensive car. So.. he simply opted for clearing his throat.

And it was a bad plan.

His head had immediately made contact with a metal object. What it was- he didn't know, all he noticed was the immense pain radiating throughout his skull. As well as the not so manly scream erupting from his 'attacker'.

He was quick to grab his head, hunching over as he let out a loud hiss of pain. "Ouch.. fuck me.."

"Oh my god! You scared the fucking shit out of me!" The preteen began to rant, hesitantly taking a step towards the pained hero. "Are you okay, I am so sorry- oh my god you're bleeding! That's a lot of blood! Oh god. Oh god. I am so sorry. I don't know what to do. What do people do in this type of situation? Uh.. I need an adult!"

He gingerly opened an eye, peaking over at the panicking boy. Pushing the pain aside, he straightened himself out, cringing at the bit of blood on his hands. "I'm- um.. it's okay.." He assured, taking a step towards the boy. "It's only a scratch."

"A scratch?! It looks like Niagara Falls is coming out of your head!"

"It's fine." He said again, giving a small- yet obviously pained filled- smile. "Just.. calm down. Um.. What's your name?"

"Jason! Jason Todd!" The boy quickly blurted out. "But, that doesn't matter, I seriously think you might need stitches! I am so sorry!"

"Probably." He chuckled lightly, wiping a bit of blood away from his eyes. "But, I can't really just show up at a hospital." He added.

"Oh god, true! Shit! I-I really am sorry.." Jason apologized once more. Turning his gaze downcast. "I knew I shouldn't have tried taking those tires."

"Well um.." He wiped a bit more blood from his face. "Why did you try to steal them?"

"That's a good question." A gruff voice spoke up, causing the two to freeze in their spot. A familiar black cape fluttered as the Dark Knight himself came into view. "What happened here?" He asked, raising a brow once his eyes landed on the bleeding Anjo whilst ignoring the startled screaming child.

Said hero chuckled lightly, now being the one to cast his eyes downward. "It's a.. long story actually.."

"Well, I'm sure you'll have enough time to tell me while he puts the tires back on the Batmobile and I take a look at your head," Batman stated, holding Jason by his collar before he attempted to escape.


Kid Flash didn't know what to think, honestly. He had received a call from Batman saying he needed to come to Mount Justice and that was it.

He sure as hell wasn't expecting to see his boyfriend pouting with stitches in his forehead, and a young teen, seemingly ready to pass out from fear, sitting next to him.

It was probably because Batman was sending the two a piercing glare. Yeah, that was definitely it.

"Uh.. what happened?" Kid Flash hesitantly asked, ignoring his snooping teammates peaking in through the doorway.

"I need you to take Anjo home and make sure he doesn't sleep for a couple hours. He has a concussion." Batman simply stated.

"Uh.. how?" He asked once more, kneeling next to Anjo and lightly running a finger over his stitches- much to the complaint of the other.

"Jason threw a crowbar at his head."


"Sorry.." Jason apologized again.

"It's fine," Anjo assured with another sigh, making no effort to move from his seat. "It's only a scratch."

"Niagara Falls.." Jason muttered back.

Anjo shot him a small smirk, rolling his eyes slightly. "Shut up." He joked, before looking to Batman. "What's gonna happen to Jay anyway?"

"Jay?" Jason questioned.

"That's something you don't need to worry about," Batman stated, waving off the others comment. "You just focus on going home and making sure to be careful with your concussion."

"I'll just sleep it off," Anjo muttered, as Wally pulled him up.

"Babe. No." Kid Flash finally broke in, helping the other to his feet. "Let's go."

"Not until I know what's happening to Jay," Anjo whined, pulling away from the other.


"I will fight you." Anjo threatened. Kid Flash simply sighed.

"I'll let you know tomorrow," Batman promised.

"You better." Anjo huffed, allowing himself to be dragged away by the speedster, the sound of the zeta beams going off moments later.

"I'm pretty sure the concussions gotten to him." Jason lightly chuckled, immediately quieting down once Batman turned his attention to him.

Much to his surprise, a small smile broke out onto the Dark Knights lips. "Yeah. Looks like it has."



Lol look it's a chapter. Woooooow. I'm already ruining this story. What's new? Lmao.

Sorry I haven't updated in like, 6 days. I've been busy getting ready for the pride festival. XD Maybe I'll post some pictures once it's over? Hmm.

Welp, I hope y'all enjoyed!! Have a nice one!!



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