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Light wheezing slipped past Robins lips as he remained leaned against the wall. Everything hurt. Everything hurt so very bad. His lungs. His arm. His back. Both of his legs and oh god his head. It was making his ears ring. He could barley focus.


"W-Wally.." He gasped out, head lolling to the side slightly as he fought to stay awake. But Kid Flash laid limp on the ground just across the room. And the blood. There was so much blood staining the speedsters skin. "Wally.." Robin whimpered out once more, biting down a scream. "Wake- wake up."

Kid Flash didn't move, didn't even make a sound as the boy wonder swallowed a sob. "Please- please don't be dead." He whispered.

"I assure you, Boy Blunder-" Jokers voice cooed, the clown princes silhouette slowly revealing itself from the shadows with that ever so haunting grin. "He's far from dead."

"Wh-" Robin choked on his words. Pain shooting through his body as he leaned back against the wall even more. "- you do?" He finally gasped out through ragged breathes. Ignoring the tears brimming in his eyes and the increasing ring in his ears.

He just wanted to sleep.

"Now now," Joker beamed, leaning down with his face just inches from the other. The smell of rotting teeth and blood nearly had Robin emptying his stomach. "You should be thanking me. I saved him. If it wasn't for me, he'd already be dead."

"Go- go to hell." Robin growled. But a hiss of pain spilled past bloodied lips as Joker gripped his wrist tightly.

"I thought we already got past the bad manners, Robin?" He spoke in a deadly serious voice. "Do I need to remind you again?" Cracking could be heard before a howl of pain erupted into the air. "Now tell Uncle Joker 'Thank you' for saving your friend." More cracking could he heard, cries mixing with the screams as the clown snarled, "Say it!"

"Thank you!" Robin sobbed. "Thank you! Thank you! Th- Thank you!"

Pleased, Joker released his grip on the others wrist. Robin quickly cradling it to his chest as tears rolled down his cheeks. "That's a good boy." Joker smiled, ruffling the boy wonders hair. "Now we need to start setting up. Guests will be arriving soon and everyone and everything must be in tip top shape."

Joker stood, strolling over to Kid Flash. He stood over him for a moment, examining him before he looked at Robin and stated, "It would be terrible if ol' Jimmy ran out before we could even have dessert, now wouldn't it?" He lifted his foot, ripped grin growing. "We better take care of that problem."

Foot made contact with bone as Kid Flashs knee bent in with a sickeningly loud crack. A scream immediately ripping its way from the gingers lips.

"St- Stop!" Robin cried, watching in horror as Joker brought his foot up once more and slammed it down on the speedsters other knee, making his screams grow louder.

Elsewhere, three Leaguers stood atop the roof, arguing amongst themselves. "You lost them?" Batman growled?

"I swear I had the cards!" Flash defended. "I don't know what happened. They were there one moment and the next they're gone!"

"It shouldn't matter, should it?" Superman cut in, folding his arms over his chest with a raised brow. "We already examined the cards and know what they say."

"Things don't just disappear." Batman stated. "This is Joker. Those cards could've held more clues if I had the chance to examine them more closely. It could have told us where Robin is."

"Or we already got all the information we needed from them." Superman tried. "We now know that Joker is after Dick, so it's safe to assume wherever Dick is, that's where the Joker will be."

"Yeah? And just where is Dick?" Flash asked. "Don't forget thats another problem we have. We can't find him! It's possible the Joker has him too! That's three people he's taken now!"

"Flash, now is not the time for you to be overreacting." Batman snapped. "I've been having Alfred search street cams to see if he's been able to spot Anjo. We also have the team searching the city for not only him, but the other two as well."

"Batman, we've been searching for hours. The same places multiple times now and we haven't found anything." The man of steel sighed.

"We've missed something." Batman mumbled.

"Yeah well we don't really know what that 'something' is now, do we?" Flash scoffed before mumbling out a quick apology after receiving a look from dark knight.

"Everyone keeps searching. Spread out more towards city limits. Knock on doors, question whoever you need to. Just find answers." Batman stated, walking away with a flutter of his cape.

Gasped pains ripped their way from Kid Flashs lips as he laid on the floor soaked in sweat and blood. He forced himself to keep his gaze locked on the ceiling. Not on his bent legs. Not on the bloodied heads next to him and not on the sobbing boy wonder screaming his name.

It was too much. It was just too much right now.

"Wally.." Robin sobbed. "Answer me."

It hurt. Everything hurt. Why was this happening to him

Tears trickled down Kid Flashs cheeks. "Where are we?" He finally whispered. His voice hoarse.

"I don't know exactly." Robin whispered back. "But I hear water, so probably somewhere near the docks."

Kid Flash swallowed thickly. "How long have I been here?"

"A couple- couple hours."

Kid Flash finally glanced towards the other, taking in a deep breathe before shuddering it out as he made eye contact with the glazed over eyes of the bodiless head before him. He swallowed once more as he stared past it and into Robins eyes. "It's going to be okay." He finally stated.

Everything was throbbing and his ears were beginning to ring with his pulsing headache.

"If no one finds us, then just hold on for a few more hours and I'll take care of everything."

"Your legs are broken." Robin stated, holding his bent wrist closer to his chest. "You- you can't walk and neither can I-I." Tears welled in his eyes once more. "How can you get us out?"

"I need time to heal. A few hours. Just hang on for a few more hours and if no one has come for us, I'll get you out." The speedster said once more. "I promise."

To be continued

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