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The light dripping of the faucet echoed in the background as steam plagued the room. The tired silhouette of a ginger speedster shuffling around. His skin was pale and his tired eyes continued to be weighed down by bags beneath wet strands of hair, as he stared sadly at the blood stained pile of clothes scattered amongst the tile floor. He ignored the ringing headache pulsing beneath his skull and the hunger filled growl clawing away at his stomach, his mind only filled with the sight of a broken bone and broken cries.

It was all he could do to stop himself from crying out. Unable to figure what he needed to do-what he could do. How do you help someone who doesn't want to be helped? How do you heal someone who keeps reopening the wounds? "What do I do?"

The mountain was quiet but far from calm. The energy was crackling with anxiety as he swiftly walked through the empty rooms, his shoes tapping away beneath him as he stared ahead lost in thought. He would receive an occasional glance; full of pity. Lips parting but snapping shut as anyone tried to find something to say to him.

Not that it mattered as he slipped past the automatic doors, his eyes landing on the mop of raven hair shielding the Cerulean orbs of it's owner. Wally wasn't the least bit surprised as he missed a beat in his step, before hesitantly retaking the seat he had placed next to the bedside all those hours ago. "How long have you been awake?" He asked quietly, leaning forward slightly to get a better look at the other.

"I don't know." Dick admitted after a moment, voice cracking. The acrobat rubbed at his eyes harshly as a sigh filtered into the air, his other arm staying secured in a brace across his chest. "Five minutes? Maybe ten?" He had guessed.

"I'm sorry. I should've gotten here faster." The speedster rubbed at his neck, as he placed a hand on the others leg, giving it a light squeeze.

Dick didn't bother to respond immediately as he placed his hand gently on the others, a small sad smile pulling at his lips. "You didn't do anything you needed to apologize for." He practically whispered as he kept his gaze on their hands, "I just.. lost control of my emotions is all.." He finally looked at Wally, his faked smile growing. "I won't let it happen again."

Wally had to swallow down his sobs as he quickly wrapped the other in his arms, practically laying on him as he gasped out, "Stop." Dicks body turned rigid as he felt that familiar wetness on his neck as Wally held him tighter. "Please stop. You don't have to be strong in front of me." Dicks eyes started to burn as he lightly gripped a bit of the speedsters shirt as they continued, "I can't watch it anymore."

"I'm sorry." Dick whispered as he felt the wetness coating his cheeks, his grip tightening. "I'm sorry." He said a bit louder.

Wally repositioned himself to sit directly in front of the other, his eyes red and his lip trembling as he refused to release their hand. "Talk to me." Was all he said, and as if he had turned on the faucet to a sink, all of Dicks thoughts quickly came spilling out.

They had talked for hours, Dick voicing everything that had been weighing him down these past few months. Wally mainly remained silent as he listened. Only ever interrupting to assure the other that they weren't as "useless" as they thought or that hero's couldnt save everybody. "But if I was better-"

"There's nothing anyone could've done. No amount of experience could have helped. You did everything you could." Wally assured.

And the hours continued to tick on and with each thought that passed Dicks lips, a small bit of weight had been lifted from his heart. And finally they had both concluded, "I think it's time we take a break from the hero business." Wally stated, pleased to see Dick slowly nodding in agreement. "Get a small apartment just for us, maybe a dog. Just enjoying our lives."

"But being a hero is our lives." Dick started, but Wally quickly shook his head.

"That's Anjos and Kid Flashs lives. Not ours." He flashed his signature smile, it almost completely hiding the redness in his eyes. "Come on. It'll only be for a few months and you need this, babe."

"But what about patrols-"

"Batman has been able to handle it on his own for years. And besides, he's got Jason, right?" Wally countered.

"Well, yeah. But What about Central?" Dick brought up.

"Babe, are you serious? Anyone can handle Central. The crime there is child's play compared to everywhere else. Barry's gots it covered." He smiled as the other searched for another excuse, pleased when they gave out a defeated sigh.

"Fine. But only a few months." Dick warned, eyes set into a slight glare.

"Scouts honor." Wally agreed, before he gave the other a warm smile, gripping their hand a bit tighter, as he brought his lips to the skin of their forehead, whispering, "Thank you."

- To Be Continued -

Authors Note

Woah. Small(-ish) chapter. How cruel. But you know what's even more cruel??

"If I were to be killed, would you still let my murderer live? Because if Dick had died that night or if you were to ever be killed during a patrol.. I don't think I could do it."


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