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|12: Funny Story|

The lights flickered violently in one of Gotham's many alleyways. Illuminating a crouching silhouette. "We were too late.." They whispered sadly, gazing down at the lifeless body.

"Did you find her?" A voice called, walking up behind them. They gave a sharp intake of breath before sighing. "Jesus."

"Call H.Q. tell them she didn't make it." The kneeling man sighed, shooting an apologetic gaze at the deceased woman.

"And you?"

"Her death was recent, meaning her killer is still in the area; I'm going after them."

"I'll join you as soon as possible with backup." The other man stated. "Just don't do anything reckless until I get there."


"Dick, I'm serious."

Dick turned to look at the other, his uniforms badge glinting in the flickering light. Giving a halfhearted smile he nodded. "I know. See you in a bit." And with that, he was running deeper into the darkened alleyway.

Giving out a long sigh, the other man clicked a button, speaking into the walkie-talkie. "This is officer Mendoza. Victim found dead in an alleyway off of the main street. Officer Grayson is tailing the suspect as we speak. Requesting backup as soon as possible."


"This is officer Mendoza. Victim found dead in an alleyway off of the main street. Officer Grayson is tailing the suspect as we speak. Requesting backup as soon as possible." The radio repeater, Flash, and Batman listening in as they sat atop one of Gotham's many rooftops.

"To think the kid is a cop." Flash voiced, glancing at the Dark Knight before he looked away with a goofy smile. "My nephews dating a cop."

Batman drew out a sigh with a subtle shake of his head. "Let's go." He instructed, jumping off the rooftop with a flutter of his cape.

"As social as ever." The speedster mumbled, quickly following after.


Dick let out a small breathe, peering around the corner and into the room. The trail of smudged blood the man left behind during his rushed effort to get away was all the acrobat needed to stay on his tail. The end result leading him to a building in the middle of construction. Barely any walls, with many escape routes, and loose lumber laying around. The outcome of this night could end either way.

But, the culprit was just in sight, crouched down in the dirt as he hungrily dug through the poor woman's purse. Looking for any loose change or valuable items he could sell on the side.

It was just one guy. He didn't need to wait for backup, he concluded.

Stepping out of hiding, he cleared his throat, his hand resting on his side as he slowly approached the man. Said man scrambled quickly to his feet, wielding a bloodied knife in his hands. The same knife he most likely used to attack that poor woman.

"Sir, drop the weapon," Dick stated, raising a defensive hand. "Now." He said a bit louder when his demands weren't met.

"Fuck you, man!" They yelled, wildly swinging the blade.

"Look, we can do this the easy way, or the hard way. It's all up to you." He stated, shrugging. "Personally, I'd prefer the easy way."

The man scrambled back a few feet, wide eyes staring at the acrobats as he continued to furiously swing the blade.

"Hey! Be careful!" He called eyeing the loose beam above them wearily. The other man's back connected harshly with the unfinished wall, causing enough forces to knock the beam above off balance and to quickly come tumbling down. "Move!"

Before he could even think, he was pushing the man out of the way, taking the hit himself.


A loud crash filled the air, gracing the two Hero's attention whilst they were in their search for the acrobat. "What was that?" Flash asked, gazing into the direction it came from.

"Nothing good," Batman answered, not wasting any time to run ahead, The Speedster soon taking the lead.

Once they got there, they were met with the sight of a random man staring widely, Dick hissing in pain as he tried to pull his leg loose from a fallen piece of lumber. Blood seeping from underneath the wood.

"That's what you get you stupid pig!" The other man laughed, scooping up a stray blade. Standing on his feet as he made his way towards Dick.

Flash was quick to act, standing between the two males in mere seconds, tightly holding the wrist of the other man, stopping his strike. Batman soon standing behind him, tending to the injured acrobat.

"What are you doing here?" Dick winced, gingerly touching his leg whilst Batman lifted the plank; freeing him.

"Just be grateful we were here." The Dark Knight stated, whilst Flash dealt with the other man. He gently pressed on his ankle, a deep gash on its side, and a deep purple bruise already swelling around it. Dick gasped pain, moving it away from the others touch. "It's broken."

"Feels pretty broken.." Dick mumbled, keeping his gaze on the ground as he tried to hold back his screams of pain.

Flash quickly returned, the man not in sight. "Dropped our guy off with your partner, told him we'd be running you over to the hospital. Oh. He told me to tell you that 'you need to stop being so reckless'." The speedster scolded with a smirk, kneeling on their level. "How's your leg?"

"Broken and in need of stitches," Batman answered, thinking for a moment. "We'll bring him back to the cave."

"What?" The two other Hero's asked simultaneously.

"I'll call 'Agent A' and have him prep the medical supplies."

"I'm not going with you two unless you promise to tell me how you found me," Dick stated. Eyeing the two of them.

"That's a.. funny story." Flash chuckled, nervously rubbing the back of his neck.

"Oh? All the more reason to tell me then."

- To Be Continued -

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