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| Intruder Alert |

Anjo remained unresponsive, staring dully out towards the wall, whilst words traveled to deafened ears. Three hours had passed since receiving the news that the League had lost contact with the team, and haven't a clue as to what could have happened to them: as they've said to him countless times now. The mere thought that they could possibly be- that Wally could be- the thought in itself sent a wave of nausea scratching up his throat. He swallowed thickly, his eyes heavy and dry, as he fought to keep them open. How could he sleep when the others were possibly undergoing a series of torturous pain. With Gotham's madman added to the Legions of Dooms mix, he wouldn't doubt it-

Did the League even know about Joker joining them? It wasn't mentioned in the files.

Anjo blinked quickly, turning his head, and finally giving Flash the attention he had so desperately tried to obtain these past few hours. The speedster had stopped mid-sentenced, not expecting a reaction from the other. "The Joker." Anjo spoke quickly, those two words pulling in the Dark Knights attention. "The Joker joined the Legion of Doom. Maybe that's what caught them off guard and why they haven't been able to make any contact with us." He was speaking quickly, ranting even, about possible scenarios involving the madman, each one becoming more gruesome.

"Wait. Anjo, how do you know this?" Batman broke in, grabbing the other's shoulders.

Anjo stumbled over his words, eyes darting about the place as if he was searching for them. "I had heard something about it on one of my patrols about a week ago. I thought you already knew, since it wasn't too long after that you were sent the team to investigate. But then you seemed so lost and confused when they lost contact, I started thinking that maybe you didn't know, and you don't!" His words quickly died in his throat as he looked at the Dark Knight. "Batman." He grabbed the others arm, urgency lacing his words. "We need to go. We've wasted enough time here, and who knows what that sick bastard has done to them!"

"He's right." Superman agreed, the other two leaguers agreeing beside him. "I'll see if I can contact Martian Manhunter and Green Lantern. We'll need their help." The Man of Steel swiftly turned and walked away, seeming to be talking into a comm.

Batman was all for the plan. Especially since it was a plea from Anjo himself. He'd never admit it, but he has quite the soft spot for the young hero.. scratch that, it was painfully obvious he does. As well as the rest of The Young Justice team. They were his responsibility and he'd be damned if he failed them. "Get ready to go. We'll leave in the hour."

Anjo nodded gratefully, standing and making his way to the zeta beam. He would need the right equipment to pull this off, and that was at his gloomy apartment. He had exited into an alleyway close by, not even wasting any time before he was scaling a building, and jumping across rooftops.

Sliding in through the window, he quietly shuffled across the floor, and towards his bed, not at all gracefully throwing off the mattress to reveal a large metal box. It squeaked upon opening, an assortment of gadgets and weapons neatly piled inside. He was too lost in thought and concentration to notice the sickening red smile behind him. Crazed wide eyes watching him as they slowly walked towards the acrobat. They could barely contain their manic chuckles as they raised their arm, crowbar clutched tightly in their fist.

It took hours of torturing to obtain the desired information. The archer having been the one to squeal to him once having her second finger broken. It was amusingly obvious how infuriated the speedster was with her, he himself barely hanging onto consciousness as he cradled his shattered arm. An unhealthy amount of blood pooling from his body. Now all they needed was the last missing puzzle piece. The Dark Knights newest favorite.

Anjo let out a startled yell of pain as he felt the metal connect with the back of his head. Crumbling to his knees as he tightly closed his eyes. Blood was already slipping past his fingers as he gripped the wound. His ears rang with pain and an unmistakable laugh as he peeked up at the Joker. "It seems that one didn't quite knock you out." The Joker grinned, kneeling to his level. Anjo noticed the horrid amount of blood coating his suit. "Well, how about another try?"

He released another cry of pain as he felt the metal connect with his stomach. Not even able to let out the ragged coughs as the crowbar fell down on his body again. The Joker purposely missing every shot as he continued to beat the metal into the others skin. There was no stopping the blood slipping past the fresh cuts and gashes. The other screaming his throat raw, till blood coughed its way out. The sight quite amusing to Jokers eyes. This. This was what he wanted and he was living off of the adrenaline it gave him. Oh, how he wondered who would hate him more. Batman or the beaten speedster laying unconscious on the floor at the Legions base.

Many long agonizing moments later, the acrobat finally succumbed to the world of unconsciousness. Excited breathes slipping past the Jokers ruby red lips as he stared down at the other. What a beautiful sight he was drenched in that ravishing red. His painful expression pulsing excitement through the madman's veins. "You, my boy." Joker breathed, kneeling so he could stroke one of Anjo's stray hairs from his face. "You and I are going to have such a.. exciting future. Much like Batsy and I." He finished with bubbling laughs ripping their way past his throat, echoing off the blood splattered walls, and into the crime polluted city of Gotham.

- To Be Continued -

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